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Everything posted by Ganjastar

  1. outside sucks. you can't spend quality time with goats :( edit: what i saw in this video. you gained the trust of some rednecks. and then you proceeded to kill them while they were doing their PvE thing on a locked server? kinda feel bad for them.
  2. Ganjastar

    How to loot Low value Military Houses?

    yeah i never found loot there either. dunno whats up with dayzdb saying there are.
  3. Ganjastar

    Beat this...

    i had the opposite today. an epic dmr shot. the guy was prone over the hill, slowly crawling to try and shoot me (there were two of them looting the crash site, and we killed his friend so he ran away and went prone). all I could see was the tip of his cap and a piece of his alice pack sticking out. range finder said 450m. i managed to get a headshot with the first bullet. adrenaline went through the roof :D
  4. Ganjastar

    Randomly warping to the sky and falling

    this is hacking. when it happens you have to press alt+f4 quickly, or you are dead. it sucks, but it happens, don't get attached to your gear, or you won't enjoy this game much atm.
  5. Ganjastar

    Ghillie suit question

    ghillies work fine for me. i keep switching betwen it and civi clothing mutliple times per day, and nothing bad happend in the past week.
  6. it was the same with beta patches? i even saw large chunks of roads glow yellow often
  7. Ganjastar

    M107 TWS on UK 124

    unless you spawned the gun, you won't get global banned. you might get banned by server admins though. just throw the gun in the ocean or somewhere where no one can find it.
  8. you are just lucky. i've seen helicopters, tanks, insta teleportations into air and then falling to your death. people getting catapulted from the ground into the air. nukes, people with as50 thermal scoped rifles. all on eu servers, cause I only play on eu servers.
  9. Ganjastar

    Arma 2 CO Update - 1.62

    don't install this yet unles you like reinstalling.
  10. Ganjastar

    L85A2 AWS taken out?

    not true. had one in my hands for the past 3 days. it didnd't dissapear. and they still spawn. we found another one in a heli crash last night.
  11. Ganjastar

    I can't connect to any servers...

    you do realize you just said sex and be back in a few mins in the same sentence? speedy gonzales?
  12. oh its this thread. naive beginner stands in the open without weapons, in a PvP city, and says hello.He then expects a life long friendship but instead ends up lamenting humanity and calling everyone a sociopath or a cod kiddie just because they don't want to hold hands and sing ymca. and no i don't kill unarmed people, but some poeple do. its a video game with guns.
  13. jsut type the beta patch version nmuber in the filter and youll only have the good servers in the browser.
  14. oh dear its an AS 50 with a thermal scope: hackers weapon of choice. not a dayz weapon, one shot kill, see anyone from miles away. was killed by that weapon a few days ago.
  15. Ganjastar

    What do youy do if you see a player

    wait.. so you spend several hours inside electro/cherno? you need to work on your loot tactics :)
  16. the hackers are still there. my buddy found the van they stole from us, but obviously they have wallhacks and player markers, cause as soon as he went to take the van back, they teleported everyone into a small area so people just started shooting each other lol. I guess the admin is sleeping or busy eating snails :P
  17. Ganjastar

    Pending Update: Build

    IMO, all three coastal towns need a spawn point. berezino is practicly a ghost town besides an occasional sniper near the military tents and ocasional stray looters. add several spawn points in all three major coastal towns, and let people pick a spot. this way people can actively choose, do they wanna spawn in a city and risk a PvP encounter, or do they want a more peaceful spawn somewhere between the major cities. both parties profit. PvE poeple will avoid town spawns, and for those that enjoy a quick PvP, will choose coastal towns without having to die and hope for the spawn they want.
  18. oh please you exploiter. if you know the tents dupe, then why do you stack tents on top of each other and put the gear in it? you are doing it cause you know they dupe. i could understand having a tent or two and then getting dupes, but having tents stacked over other tents is a clear sign of knowing about duping and how it works, and taking advantage of it. this is exactly why i tell poeple to avoid clan owned servers. clan mentality: we form a group to have an advantage, we dupe tents to have an advantage, we own a server to have an advantage. basically the whole psychology of making a clan and being in one is having advantages over others, and unfortunately most clans don't set any boundaries to those advantages.
  19. they stole our van, my freind came to check it out. and then they teleported everyone into the air and insta killed them. gotta love hackers...
  20. it does help out other players though. no one is happy to login to a server all geared up, only to get killed by hackers. and the less people join this servers, the less victims the hackers have.
  21. Ganjastar

    Nice encounter on LU42

    welcome to dayz. enjoy your first true adrenaline rush that comes from murder and close encounters. nothing quite like it in other video games, right?
  22. Ganjastar

    M4A3 CCO(?)

    slightly lower recoil and a mounted flashlight.
  23. as soon as you see a white msg on your screen. its hacking.
  24. Just tell everyone you know to avoid their servers, and occasionally bump this thread. thats really the best you can do atm. Also, send all your proof to one of the dayz forum moderators and even rcoket or anders. that will speed up the process of getting their server blacklisted. admin+clan servers are a bad thing almost always. they are bound to cheat, exploit, abuse server priviledges and hoard vehicles. just avoid clan owned servers.
  25. Ganjastar

    M4AI CCO SD. Bug maybe?

    yep. normal guns can use both stanag and SD stanag ammo, but the silenced guns use only SD ammo. same goes for mp5 SD. not sure about the m9 SD pistol.