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Everything posted by Ganjastar

  1. Ganjastar

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    im against weapons at spawn. it gives you a chance to bond with other weaponless survivors. it also doesn't allow you to be a scum bandit until you get gear, and even then you will be a bit more careful who you shoot, unless you want to look for weapons again. basially with a makarov at spawn, you are free to atack anyone to steal his shit, because you have nothing to lose, you will just spawn with the same gun again. pretty crappy. unrelated to the makarovs, please fix the living dead animals. every now and then, you find an animal thats standing still. when you shoot it, it bleeds, but it never dies.
  2. Ganjastar

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    zeds can break your leg if you are prone. happend to me many times. and stop acting like an elitist douche lol. what heppend t me yesterday, i had 10k + hp, i was prone. one zombie hit me once, and i broke my leg, started bleeding, and got knocked out at the same time. i survived with 2k hp.
  3. great post johan. angry carebears calling PvP players cod kiddies, speaks more of their own character, then of the people they try to insult. dayz is not a forced PvE coop game. get that in your head carebears :) see i can call people names as well, though im doing it without any frustration and wholy lightheartedly ;) enjoy the game everyone, and don't get ulcers because someone likes to PvP and you don't.
  4. Ganjastar

    Anti-bandit squad

    I love feeding on delicious tears of survivors who think coop PvE is the only way to play this game. ;) grow thicker skin you herbivores. or gather in herds like all grass chewing cattle does. at least some of you will survive that way.
  5. of course game mechanics define that. what is the penalty of killing someone in a post apocalyptic world? would you like people get struck by lightning for Pk's? any sort of PK penalty would diminish this game immensly. just PvE is boring once you gather good gear. what am I gonna do with a DMR, snipe slow moving zombies?
  6. becuase shooting people is fun? we don't gather good gear to shoot zombies. we gahter good gear to kill players. if you wan't a coop PvE experience, get killing floor.
  7. bandit here, love sniping grouped up newbies, so i'm glad you guys are gathering in herds. i will feast on your tears :p
  8. Ganjastar

    hop for antibiotics or respawn?

    in the 50 hours or so that i've played since they added antibiotics i've never seen them, neither have I ever been infected. useless mechanic is useless.
  9. Ganjastar

    Lighting changes get annoying

    its normal game behavior since beta patch is required. its pretty ridiculous. trees can look completely black during a sunny day in the forest. not even close to realistic.
  10. Ganjastar


    i'll be blunt and honest. l2p :)
  11. Ganjastar

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    happening since 1.7.5. pickup a watch, makarov ammo and bandages drop to ground. gather all ammo back, pickup map, compass, knife, etc. ammo drops everytime. some poeple say it happens to them as well, others say it doesn't. so it could be related to arma 2 beta patch? I'm using ARMA2_OA_Build_93965, the latest one available atm.
  12. I could never figure out how to turn on the flashlight on the weapons? i tried pressing L and nothing happened. does it have to be nightime for flashlights to turn on maybe?
  13. Ganjastar

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    yep, I also get more lags with the latest version. seems the zombie detection is laggy.
  14. Ganjastar

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    no guns at spawn :s i want a refund! :P
  15. Ganjastar

    Own fault... :'(

    imo, you only think you "learned your lesson" because you got caught and your game copy got bricked. the problem with this is that you aren't really grasping the concept on why cheating is bad, you only think its bad because it gets you banned. so I don't think you are rdy to be back to this game until you are able to tell us honestly why you think cheating is bad. that would be a good first step, and the second step would be actually believing what you are saying and understanding it.
  16. Ganjastar

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Any news on a fix for this? people do it ALL THE TIME. you notice a sniper, call him out on chat, bam he disconects. you chase a guy into a barn, bam he disconects. you shoot a gy, hes bleeding on the ground, zombies distract you for a few seconds, bam he disconected... more and more poeple are using this every day. its completely game ruining.
  17. Ganjastar

    IF this was an actual game...

    IMO, the increase in arma II CO sales should be enough, we the consumers, have brought a niche simulator game on top of the steam sales chart because of 100mb mod. I would not pay for more unless it was a year or so down the line, and a completely redisigned product with more polish and substantially larger production values, unless you plan on charging 10-15 dollars which would make lower production values acceptable. also, would only pay once for the game purchase, I completely avoid games with monthly fees and pay to win games, or even games with hats and stuff. i find that business model unethical, and I am disgusted that some poeple out there would pay for skins, instead of donating that money to some worthy cause, so I avoid such games because of both the developers, and the user base.
  18. Ganjastar

    tired of this

    this has started happening to me since 1.7 patch. a firend told me to just go back to the player list screen and click join again. this works on some servers, and some keep giving the error until i fully go back to server browser and reconect.
  19. Ganjastar

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Spawned in the ocean after finding combat camo in the Krasnostav supermarket. :( atm i had: Alice pack, revolver with 6-7 clips. winchester with 7 clips. 1DRM clip, 4 food cans, 2 watter bottles, 3 coke/pepsi. 3 bandages. 2 painkillers, 2 morphines, map, compass, hunting knife hatchet. please reset me to krasnostav supermarket. Username: GanjaStar player ID: 11802950 thank you in advance.