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Everything posted by Taos

  1. Crashed last night in the middle of a road in gorka, whatever Ill play tomorrow after work. Load in the next day and its taking a sec longer then usual and the screen stays black, within just 3-4 seconds I hear "Hey hands up, dont run, hands up" I try to voice back but still not fully loaded. finish loading to hear a "pop" of a .22 and dead. I laughed so damn hard i snorted hot tea out of my nose. Even after 3 years this game makes me laugh, I love this game. part 2. while making this thread to share in a laugh, I was re-spawning and some fresh spawn came up to me and started punching. I moved to main screen to tell em to bugger off and just decide to hit back. 2 shots to the head and I got a good start of cloth to make rope for a bow.
  2. Taos

    Dayz just made me snort

    good sir, yorkshire gold is what i have. steep 7 minutes, 2 sugar and a bit of milk.