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About gjhook

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  1. Go watch the video on DayZ main page.
  2. gjhook

    Small protector case

    Yes, I found one in the red brick house with blue trim yesterday.
  3. No. But... 1. In game guilds. A way to bind to each other like other MMOs. 2. Towns are the bases. 3. A bind statue in the town that the guild claims and only guild members can use. Players would respawn at this bind location.
  4. gjhook

    DayZ SA is already becoming too damn easy

    Excellent ideas. 100% agree.
  5. Almost all MMO's have chars bound to servers. I know at this point it can't happen but when/if the servers will be able to handle 1000 players per server (something Rocket said he hopes to see someday) it would make sense. A couple things that will make this game excel and actually play like a true MMO... 1. Manage your own servers like everyone else does. This isn't CoD or BF. 2. Put some of that $30,000,000 into the backbone, servers, etc. 3. Allow 500+ players per server 4. Chars are bound to server. This will allow players to start really building communities, towns to defend and call home. Bind points in hometown/guild town etc. This game will then be very epic. Haters keep it to yourself I don't want to hear your nonsense. Go play CoD if you want an FPS. Rocket has said himself he'd like to see 1000 players on one server. This game needs these things, let's make it happen.
  6. He wasn't invisible, he was "invincible", go back and read my post again. He was typing and talking to me. Thanks SmashT for the feedback.
  7. Player name was "Tim" I know that doesn't mean a ton but hopefully you can look into logs on that server for that player name around 10am PST. There was several other players with him as well. This char was teleporting all over the place killing everyone with a fire extinguisher between Berenzino and Electro. He was also invincible. Please before you move forward on any more low priority updates please put a stop to this game breaking nonsense. I know you are already aware of this problem, but I just could not move on without coming here and reporting it. Thanks, Hemoglobin
  8. gjhook

    Killed=Temporary Server Ban

  9. I liked the climate and rad zone idea at least.
  10. gjhook

    The Search Funciton

    Give me one damn good reason why having a few multiple ideas posted in seperate threads keeps you from sleeping at night?
  11. gjhook

    Some Basic Ideas

    The server and mic ideas win the most retarded ideas so far.
  12. gjhook

    Number Of Players

    They will fix server hoping soon I'm sure.
  13. gjhook

    The Search Funciton

    How does being on the forum for one day matter? Move on and cry about something else that actually matters.
  14. gjhook

    M4 And Future Weapon Accuracy And Status

    One word: Alpha