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About NightRider107

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. NightRider107

    Zombie speed?

    If they aren't driven by hunger, then why do they eat you after they kill you?
  2. NightRider107

    Zombie speed?

    I've only just heard about this mod and I haven't even played it, yet. I don't even have Arma 2, yet. But I was watching some videos on YouTube and thought it looked awesome. I've been waiting for a realistic zombie apocalypse game like this for years. The problem I have, and the suggestion, is that from the videos I've watched, the zombies move way too fast. I'm one of those people who follow the George Romero/Max Brooks view of zombies being that: a.) they can't run b.) they can't climb ladders, which I heard in one of the videos I watched that they can, and c.) they can't climb up stairs, either, which I saw them do in one of the videos. So, if this mod is supposed to be "realistic", why can the zombies do all three, when they shouldn't be able to do any of those things? I'm thinking about getting Arma 2 and the expansions, and possibly playing this mod, but with those three things being what they are, I'm not sure. Also, I'm curious, is this mod an actual mod that I would have to download and put into my game files? Or is it just a client-side mod that only effects the server? I ask, because my computer seems to be really limited with mods to games. I have Fallout: New Vegas and Minecraft, and for both of them, and I assume, all other games, I can only have so many mods before the game just won't work. It's probably a RAM limitation. But I would hope this is just a client-side mod for the server.