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Everything posted by brettorious
New DayZ Epoch taviana server, pvp, free base for first ten players lots of customs scripts DayZ Missions, Epoch Trader City Safezones, Flip Vehicle, Headshot Suicide, Sarge's AI Framework, Towing / Heli Lift, Bloodbag Self, Remove Parts from Vehicles, Snap-Building, Take Clothing , DayZ - JAEM - Just Another Evac-Chopper mod. MasterZ Of Z UniverZ - DayZ Epoch Taviana - Server IP - Launch perameters " -mod=@Taviana " simply copy and paste ( without the " ") into dayz commander settings additional launch perameters and click done. When you want to go back to a standard map simply delete it and press done. Videos of all our custom code to follow shortly. gerneours fresh spawn loadout, no plot poles.
personally the reason I tried to install the hack is cos I suck at shooters, an everytime im getting somewhere I get kos, dayz isn't just a shooter and shouldn't be treated as such I just wanted a fighting chance at starting a base on a fairly popular server. do I deserve to have 40 quid wasted for that? no I don't think so, however I managed to fix my game, good thing I like tinkering lol
the guy who says you cant get it back is a liar, this is an easy fix. to fix this go to start menu, type run, press enter, type regedit, press enter click hkey_local_machine, go to software, go to "wow43688" cant remember the numbers exatly but its the only wow folder, go to bohemia interactive studios, delete arma 2 and oa folders. close the reg edit. run steam as admin. run arma 2 then exit, right click on arma2 oa, propertys, local files, verify intergrity, let it download the missing files run and exit it oa...job done. people on this forum are just keyboard warriers, ignore them and their sad lives. hope this helps you.
to fix this go to start menu, type run, press enter, type regedit, press enter click hkey_local_machine, go to software, go to "wow43688" cant remember the numbers exatly but its the only wow folder, go to bohemia interactive studios, delete arma 2 and oa folders. close the reg edit. run steam as admin. run arma 2 then exit, right click on arma2 oa, propertys, local files, verify intergrity, let it download the missing files run and exit it oa...job done. people on this forum are just keyboard warriers, ignore them and their sad lives. hope this helps you.
ok, so i have used the search function and googled it and cant seem to find an asnswer, sorry if it has been posed before, is their a way in game to see the name of a player that you come across (other than asking of course lol) ie after said player has killed you so that you can seek revenge? and is their a way to search for that player and see if they are online and which server they are on.....its time to start taking names lol. thanks in advance, and again sorry if it has been posted elsewhere i cant seem to find it.
hi, just trying to get my head around all the different mods for arma 2, if i were to rent a server, would i be able to create my own map? and change the landscape entirely? would i be able to put my own buildings on it, and kind of fiddle with the program if i were so inclined? say id made a new zombie animation or somthing ( i havent lol) could i then put that in by renting a server? id really love to google earth my home town and put a map of my home town on there lol anyway thanks in advance, Brett.
i know, iv done a bit on blender before but thats about it, just curious is all
so i thought to discourage people from shooting on site there could be some sort of system where it drives people crazy from pointless killing, like after so many murders when an attack hasnt been made on the player, by maybe flashing images of the people theyve murdered now and again, seeing and hearing thing that arnt there etc. also maybe like a karma system where when players die they become zombies and to respawn they have to attack or kill a player, players who are going round killing willy nilly will get - karma and downed players will spawn near by their location and players who recive good karma by helping others will get maybe some sort of mental boost to allow them to sprint a little further without puking or whatever
i personally think they should, i think it would add a lot to the game, robberys could be reported to police clans and the worst offenders brought to justace, you could also seek revenge on players, it will add lots to the roleplaying with no scripted or pre programmed action i dont think it would deduct from the realism, as in reality you could remember a face to report it or seek revenge, in the game everyone basically looks tghe same lol, anyways just an idea, what does everyone think? edit. not actually on screen, but in an after action, or player stats sheet.
laughed so hard reading this, they deffinatly need to add it!
did they? have you got any links or anything cos i googled and couldnt find anything
yeah that kind of thing, or a cod style kill video, instead of just the black you are dead screen an you sat wondereing where the heck did that just come from lol
exactly my point lol
but i totally agree about not seeing it actually in game on the screen, nothing takes away more from immersion than WOW style info floating above peoples heads
sorry, i didnt mean in game, but on like an after action report or player stats screen maybe.
maybe not on screen no, but in some kind of after action report or somthing along those lines
in a realistic sense alot of things are off, i think it should be added personally, would add alot to the game.
do you know if they're planning on putting anything in to make it easier to "take names"? lol
ah ok thank you, so many people i wanna take revenge on lol
lol i see your point and see now its not as good an idea as i first thought, but im getting hate for putting up another in a long line of killed on sight threads, so it obviously is a problem to some people. anyways, thats the last thing im gonna say on this thread, dont wanna keep bumping it up lol
i can sorta see why people get annoyed about it, im new to forums in general, shouldn't have just jumped in an started posting stuff, feel kind of stupid, but iv apologized and said i wont do it again, that should have been the end of it by any normal normal standards, the other guy didn't need to carry on having a dig, its cos its not face to face i guess, im sure they're lovely people if you actually met them lol. anyways i just thought to my self if it was the Apocalypse, and i saw another human, i wouldn't immediately shoot them, id just be so relieved to see another person, just thought it seemed like a better way to encourage a bit of cameradary, however i have seen much better ways now iv actually had a read through the forum, some really nice ideas out there, this game is gonna be awesome when its finished, cant wait to see what gets added next.
what are you talking about? i had an idea as i was playing, i thought it seemed like a nice idea and wanted to share it, i googled how to contact day z as iv seen they want feedback from players, this forum came up, i signed up and posted here, wont bother again.
ok so i started off playing the standalone and im enjoying it, however iv just got the mod aswell and have no idea where to find loot as i cant enter any houses, where does it spawn? also iv read somthing about being able to get tents in the mod and store gear, how does this work, is it stored untill the server restarts, or is it saved in that location for ever on that server, also is it only saved on the server you were on when you saved it, so if you change its gone? thanks in advance, brett.
ok thanks for the help, much appriciated. hopefully ill do a little better this time round!
ok thanks, will remember next time.