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About SgtG

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  1. Age: 17 Ign: Boss Skype?: James.Gliem Do you have a mic?: Yes what can you bring to the squad?: I know the map like the back of my hand, I do however prefer private hives.
  2. Does anyone know how to setup a Whitelist on a bliss private hive?
  3. I had this same problem. You can join your FTP (through the CP or anyother FTP service) and upload the folder into your @dayz directory. If you do it correctly your Private server will be up to date.
  4. Welcome to our squad jonney! We have added you on Steam!
  5. -Big Boss - America -- English + German - StandupXing - Sniping, Raiding, Looting Ps: I have Skype and TS3
  6. SgtG

    Looking For Partners

    I'm interested. I added you on steam.
  7. SgtG

    Team of 9 looking for more

    17 5-12 est Sniper/spotter L85A2 L85A2 about 3 months I'm awesome Skype name is: James.Gliem
  8. I already made it easy enough, I gave my in game name. If you want it to be easier you obviously don't care for the thrill of the hunt!
  9. I already made it easy enough, I gave my in game name. If you want it to be easier you obviously don't care for the thrill of the hunt!
  10. I never said I was going to do this to be killed... I want blood, whether it be mine or someone else's.
  11. Use DayZ commander. I'm not making is THAT easy for you!
  12. Sorry for the delay XD (I work) . We'll most likely be on today around 5pm est. In game name is Big Boss. Happy hunting!
  13. SgtG

    M4A1 holo SD = legit?

    The m4a1 holo SD IS NOT legit.
  14. SgtG

    Killed by a tree.

    My friend. You obviously haven't appeased the gods lately.