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Everything posted by Reaven1911

  1. Reaven1911

    What gun did you find the first time?

    Makarov, or Winchester
  2. Reaven1911

    SoOoooOOoo... bandits :)

    Then a zombie 1s1k's you because you have 100 blood left?
  3. Reaven1911

    Which map would you like to see for dayz?

    they should stitch some of the other maps to chern if possible would be cool, maybe better loot in Takistan due to the military deployments
  4. I thought you killed the driver and got in and just floored it with everyone still inside
  5. If people want to be in a gunfight, play ArmA II's multiplayer. If people want to survive with a chance of gunfights, play Dayz.
  6. Reaven1911

    Need a Sniper

    Sniping with a Revolver is the way to go, 1 headshot is incap
  7. Reaven1911

    The best sniper spots in DayZ

    I like North of Cherno in the tree line past the first group of trees, people will have some nice medical supplies on them. Also just 5 minutes ago I stalked someone as I was out of sniper ammo and I had to kill them with my Revovler :\
  8. Reaven1911

    Need a Sniper

    3 shots with an M24 sounds a bit much, 3 shots with a CZ would be understandable (1 to zero, 1 to incap, 1 to kill) but with the M24 using the formula you can zero in on anyone if you have like 4 seconds and you passed 3rd grade.
  9. So me and my friend head to NW airfield to try and get us better weapons, (CZ 550 and M14AIM) and the best weapons we've ever found there was an M16 M203, is this normal or are the barracks suppose to have 2-4 weapons in there?
  10. Kk thanks to everyone who posted. I've found like 3 FAL's but the ammo seems to rare for every day use.
  11. Reaven1911

    Health Regeneration & Eating (v2)

    If you get below X you shouldn't be able to regenerate above X without eating to get above the cap. IE. If you loose 6k blood and you only have 6,000 left then you can only regenerate to 8,000 once you hit 8k you have to eat to get above 8k then you can only get to 10k and ten you have to eat to get above 10k which then can regen to 12k.
  12. Reaven1911

    This game is really hard now

    Actually I've done better since the no gun spawn and it needs to be kept in IMO. It makes the game a less of "I hope there isn't some guy with a makarov that is trigger happy around the corner" and everyone doesn't make the coast as much of an battleground and makes it easier to scavenge, I've found food and water decently easy (mostly off dead bodies tbh :P)
  13. This guy has something against Call of duty, must be a teenager that jumped on the bandwagon, or just died to a new player.
  14. Reaven1911

    Flashlight: The symbol of peace.

    If you are moving I'm going to kill you /caseclosed
  15. On a couple servers I play on I've noticed I myself am not able to talk on Global or Side chats while other people can, is this server enabled or a bug? (I have the beta patch installed if that makes a difference)
  16. Is this intended or not and if not how can I fix this issue?
  17. Reaven1911

    Road signs are in Russian

    Thanks much I'm lost and trying to find a place to loot.
  18. I personally think there should be a lot more zombies, maybe even roving huge mobs of them that would pose a huge threat to survivors, as now they aren't to much of a threat only a annoyance
  19. Ok, lets say there are 2 servers I play on, server A and server B. I drop some items in my base on Server A and then log into server B and people are at the base I dropped my stuff in at Server A do they see the items I dropped? If not and I get killed, if I go back onto Server A will the items I dropped still be there? EDIT: Also I want to ask, say I fix up a car and have my stuff inside on Server A will that car go into server B with me or not?