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Everything posted by Reaven1911

  1. Really? I've found MORE vehicles then ever with this newest patch, I've seen 4 UAZ's (my fav. vehicle) in the past week, and I have one now.
  2. on US 2591, My friend had fallen off the tower after getting shot at, and we just flipped an ATV and I hear my friend scream over the mic "I HEAR A F***ING HELICOPTER". After going to the 2 walled tower in cherno the Helo lowers to take a shot at us, and I fire back with my AK Kobra killing their gunner who then lands on the nearest apartment. We both run and loot his body, to get a Mk 40 Mod 0, and while I let my friend replacethe NVG's I took from his body and GPS Map, ect, the helicopter comes back to strafe him. Sadly, after hiding his body my friend parishes to the M240B. I'm down the ladder and I shoot out the window killing the gunner and then after spraying the body of the helo I see one more ghille'd body fly out of the front and then the helicopter does a nose dive onto the building over looking the medical tents in Cherno, and I see 3 more Death messages. I run up to loot it, right as I get up the ladder the co-pilot i'm assuming, in a solider suit no less, wakes up and starts to bandage but I just spray him with the MK 40 killing him. Luckily after dying to zombies my friend spawns in Cherno, comes to the crash site and loots some stuff for himself, and while he is looting for equipment I see 2 people on the ladder going up, and I fire at them with my new M4a1 CCO, breaking one of their legs and hitting the other one twice in the back. After taking fire and hiding the bodies we depart with our new fully kitted load outs. Before all this I had 10k+ humanity (Hero Skin ect), after I have -16,420k Humanity, thats 25k+ deduction. Sorry for the long paragraph but it is truly an epic story... TL;DR- I take out about 8 people with an AK to an MK40 to an M4a1 CCO
  3. Reaven1911

    Human <100% --- Humanity --- 0%> Zed

    Yes I am "Cons -Can't use vehicles, weapons or tools."
  4. Yeah my group doesn't really care we might not be on 24/7 as we (no offense to your group as this is probably going to sound rude as hell) want a chance at vehicles, and odds are (once again no offense to you guys) you guys have most of the vehicles on the server, but yeah it was an awesome night.
  5. Reaven1911

    Human <100% --- Humanity --- 0%> Zed

    It punishes bandits, you work hard to get a gun, you get your first kill then BAM! your a zombie, everything about being a zombie was awful, nobody would want to be a zombie it would never balance out.
  6. Would be awesome to make that our home, but our whole group died due to...Fireing Lee einfield shots in Elektro, getting shot in the head from friendly fire, accidental leg shooting while getting chased, and then getting mauled by the inevitable horde, so we kinda lost everything, but It would be fun to have an established rival, I'll have to get back to you as the rest of my group is MIA at the moment.
  7. Basically make it so drivable vehicles are common, easy to find, maybe a bit tough to get running, but make fuel a resource you fight over, Say you pull up in your newly fixed sedan and you see a pickup pull up at the same time, so you have to negotiate over fuel or just start a fire fight, making it more of a main keep for vehicles instead of hoping they all aren't horded. To make said fuel harder to get, make Fuel tanks only have X amount of uses but they refill slowly over time, and make it possible to siphon fuel from cars you see on the road, so you could find a car you like, siphon half a tank worth of fuel then take it out and try to get a couple jerry cans with extra fuel. Also I would like to add, that you should be able to put your main rifle on your pack, and hold and item in each hand that won't take any room in your main inventory, so you could be holding 2 Jerry cans and have 4 more in your inventory while your bud with his gun covers you.
  8. Reaven1911

    Human <100% --- Humanity --- 0%> Zed

    It Kinda ruins the whole bandit play style, because you will Totally be able to kill someone as a zombie, when they can backtrack faster then you. I think Hero's should be able to run faster (which they already do) and bandits can get hit more, not a lot more, maybe ONE shot, but this is for pistols/low powered guns.
  9. Reaven1911


    Why not add this? Basically a Ghille'd M24, nothing overpowered, its not a ghille'd AS50 or M107, would be pretty easy to add, requires no new ammo, no new textures, just adding to the loot table I believe, maybe a bit of coding, I'm not saying you have to but would be a nice addition, and it would give America and Russia both a ghille'd rifle, and for those that don't like the svd's scope don't have to either carry a giant f***ing attena on them or have a DMR, the only valid sniping options as the M24 has no advantages over the others, but with a ghille it would be close to equal
  10. Reaven1911

    how to get geared up in an hour?

    The best thing to do is find a vehicle, I've found an ATV at the same spot on 5 different servers, once you get an atv the NW airfield is only 10 maybe 20 minutes depending on how many times you flip, you could also hit Stary on the way
  11. After installing and playing Lingor island I reset my launch options for normal DayZ but whenever I try to join a server that I have low ping (so we know ping shouldn't be the problem) I get stuck on the Loading... screen for ever, I even left my computer loading it for 4-5 hours and I never got in game, how do I fix this? Ps. my launch options are "-mod=@dayz -nosplash" if those are bad.
  12. Reaven1911

    Dayz Breakdancing!

    The best break dancing is when someone DC's while dragging someone and if that other person wakes up while the person is reconnecting.
  13. Reaven1911

    back at the beach.....PoS game

    ATVs- Probably the worst vehicles in the game as you tap a rabbit and you back flip "Gear"-Alice packs (And if you say you have Ghilles and NVG's to spare, then you obviously duped and can just do it again) Guns- most likley Ak's and M4 PS. its no fun sitting around a game because you are to scared to loose your favorite gun.
  14. Reaven1911

    Zombies way too hard now

    Less spawns, easier moment and less leg snapping.
  15. Reaven1911


    bump again.
  16. Reaven1911

    A hacker has made the funniest video of DayZ

    How about I bandage...NOTHING AHAHAHAH OH NO DON'T SHOOT ME!
  17. Reaven1911


    bump again, I know I do it to much.
  18. Reaven1911

    US195 - Super Six Gaming Server

    Damn people see acebane a lot, I've only seen this mythical creature once, and then I died, I didn't even shoot him...
  19. Reaven1911


    Actually what you do is join a 90/100 server and loot freely because everyone is to scared to go there with 90 other people, and with 90 people the zombie count won't give away your position.
  20. Reaven1911

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    This topic is awesome, I love how everyone blames OP for a hacker attack, even though they go through every server the see and just to /killall, and I would feel sorry about the admin's base but, its on the edge of the map, aka the camping site, honestly its faster just to follow the edges of the map then to loot towns, to will get an AS50 NVG's and backpacks in 1 day, the only thing you have to worry about is the few snipers guarding camps
  21. Reaven1911


    Customization of weapons in ArmA 3
  22. Reaven1911


    this would be amazing but to do it on the ArmA II engine is extremely buggy and complicated, ArmA III will support it so in Day 3 (see what I did there) it will hopefully be in
  23. Reaven1911


    bump again, I really want the M40 to get in game
  24. Reaven1911


    Not exact but close enough to not really need a new weapon, and yes I know i'm basically asking for the same thing to
  25. Reaven1911

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    From post- "FIVE FUCKING LMGS OMGWTFBBQ QQ!" Mk. 48, m249, m240 and the Mk.48 and m240 are basically the same thing The M249 is used in squads often, the M240 is used by the US Military for everything possible that can have a 50 cal on it, the Mk48 is just a tricked out M249 with lower ammo capacity "NINE GODDDAMN! SNIPERS AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" CZ, M24, As50, M107, DMR, SVD, thats six buddy, alright I can see the as50 getting out, the M107 is used for anti armor, the SVD is obviously russian, the DMR is an M14, and used in most squads, the M24/M40 is the USMC's sniper, and the CZ is a civilian rifle that everyone wants more of.