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About raezion420

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  1. raezion420

    So I finally found a tent... any tips?

    I hear the park in Kamiwobo has some room still.
  2. raezion420

    Any point of 2 drum mags?

    I am very fond of using the AKM with pso scope for sniping. From the top of the biggest building in cherno (the one with the sign on it) I can confidently pick off people anywhere in town with a few shots. Not sure what the longest kill has been but its been pretty far. I never carry more than 2x 75 round drums. Rarely do I need the 2nd except for those "Oh shit there is 10 guys in the shed" moment.
  3. raezion420

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    I saw 5 zombies hauling ass through berezino all crazy thinking they were chasing a player, followed them to find that they were all chasing a chicken through town.. Lol'd pretty hard.
  4. raezion420

    Last Of The Rangers (sack battle)

    Haha first minute was like watching the Special Olympics. Enjoyed it thanks
  5. raezion420

    I hope I just lucked out on buying this pc!

    Should work decent for you. Most of the settings really don'f affect me much if they are on high or low fps wise because the game doesn't use the graphics card all too much, mostly the cpu. I have a radeon hd 7970 3 gig card and with everything on low my gpu uses like 30% everything on high is uses like 50% . My laptop has an I5- 3.1 with just a shitty 1 gig GPU and it runs pretty well with everything low. So i'm sure it will pretty good for you, especially after the optimize it more.
  6. raezion420

    How often do you sever hop?

    Me and my friends usually join a low pop server at first just to meet up and get together so we don't die a million times and never be able to get to each other before we have to log. So once we meet up we just switch to a high pop server and stick with it until it goes down.
  7. raezion420

    Elmo Vs DayZ

  8. Lol at your friend using the morphine on himself. Think most people have had that moment before. :p
  9. raezion420

    Battle Royale for Standalone

    Yes. The truth always shits all over parties.
  10. raezion420

    AirFell's Wallpaper Pack!

    Good work bud, I like the saloon one and the gas masks one the best, and the finger face one makes me lol, makes me think of brother/sister, "I'm not touching you!" and the other getting pissed off.
  11. raezion420

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    This is a post apocalyptic game. There is no TV or radio stations. Even if someone with "good profile" as you say, that is famous and a nice person, does not mean that person would be nice still in this situation. You could see "arnie" and be like hey man lets group up! Then he will pwn you for your beans. The same goes for any person. There is no way you could possibly know peoples mindset just by looking at them. You should not ever be able to see names or anything. It makes it feel a lot more like an arcade game, rather than the real survival game it is. Try playing Arma3 breaking point. It ruins it being able to have groups, and see where your group is at all times. Not to mention if you want to play a hero you have to literally let people kill you constantly, like the survivors, nuetrals. if they come at you and you defend yourself and kill them you lose a lot of humanity, if you want to gain it you just have to let them kill you or have a bandit with you to have them kill them and hope they can kill them before they kill you. Not to mention if someone starts and KOS everyone they see, and they happen to kill 10 bandits, then boom they are a hero from KOS'ing. As for your comment about most people wanting to remain anonymous, why would that matter? I don't give a damn if people know my name. I haven't changed my name once, and never try to hide it. If I was, (even though I don't want to) you can just change your name every time you log in.. So that does not matter. I play as a bandit/promoter of friendship. Me and my buddy run around trying to talk to people. 80% of people will not even respond to us, so we shoot them after we give them plenty of time and explain how to talk voice chat and text, in case they are new. If people talk to us then we will help them out, give them stuff, join up with them if they want ect. So hopefully those people that refuse to try and talk will try to talk next time. If people don't talk to us until we shoot at them, then they respond "oh fuck you guys ect ect" then I break their legs and bandage them, then yell at them for being rude and unfriendly, and all they had to do is say hello. Oh and btw my ingame name is always JH so if you see me on the server make sure you say hello.
  12. raezion420

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Bahaha my thoughts exactly. Isn't it the exact opposite in real life? You usually can't tell if someone is nice, a rapist, a murderer, ect just by looking at them.. Maybe I just need to get my eyes checked so I can see peoples names and their current mindset just by looking at them.
  13. raezion420

    Do you want a Bike now!

    As long as they fix the bikes from the mod before they put them in. The mod you could ride bikes just like normal with broken legs. Was quite silly.
  14. raezion420

    Do you want a Bike now!

    They will add them when they are ready.. If it is a big deal don't play until then. I also do not understand why people would want to have no cars. If there were no cars I wouldn't play because it would just be too stupid to fathom that every single car in the world blew up when zombies took over..
  15. No I have never done this as I am a man and not scared of fighting people. Did you used to combat log when you heard gunshots too?