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About R7744

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. R7744

    Just died randomly

    You must have been nice on your previous life.
  2. R7744

    Just died randomly

    Hi folks! I just started playing after a while, got to a second floor of these industrial building outside elektro, and suddleny my leg broke. I wasn't even moving, just looking at my inventory. No sounds, no gunshots (only one possible way to shoot me, and I was watching it). Just my pants and everything inside it ruined, leg broken and after a while, I'm dead. Is this a known bug? what triggers it, if so? couldn't find it on the forums...
  3. R7744

    there is no moon

    I think it doesnt show up all nights, Im not sure but there are nights where you can see better and others where you just can't see shi-rotten kiwis.
  4. R7744

    Kiev Protest Blaze 95

    Probably NATO won't be deploying shit in Ukranie. Ukranie is a corridor for Russia's gas to be sent to Europe, and Europe is more dependent from their gas every year... remember last time Russia cut the gas supply?
  5. havent played the mod myself but I'd bring the humanity system back. Makes trusting (or not to) someone a bit easier.
  6. R7744

    "I killed them...I killed them all."

    This is so ridiculous that I'll just give you my beans so you can server hop with them (I know you will)