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About takhi

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. takhi

    Mosin Vs B95

    The B95 is a hunting rifle, that is missing a scope. Until one is implemented I would prefer the Mosin for long range. It is not meant to be a close range weapon, there are better weapons already ingame.
  2. I have the same problem :(
  3. takhi

    Magnum revolver vs FNX45?

    I have just shot my friend with the FNX-45 because I underestimated its damage. :( He shot 1 bullet in my legs with a Revolver and I shot him 2 times in his belly with my FNX-45 because I thought it would atleast take 3-4 bullets to kill him. He said he died already after the 1st shot. We were both "healthy" so we were both at maximum health. (Our distance was about 2m - 3m / 7ft - 9ft!)