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About Jochendude

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  1. Jochendude

    The central Hive

    Is there a way to see wich ones are connected? maybe through the dayz commander?
  2. Jochendude

    The central Hive

    Hi, I'm fairly new to the dayz mod, mostly been playing the standalone. Do the mods also have a central hive, where everything is saved? Or do different servers 'unofficial servers' don't haver any hive?
  3. Jochendude

    Looking for some older gamers.

    33yrs old here. Looking for a mature group to play the mod with :) I'm not the KOS kinda guy and i see myself more as a survivor. I'm from Belgium (dutch language) but my english is pretty good. I'm kinda new to the whole dayz experience, been playing it for a month. So if someone can also teach me to be better, that would also be great :)
  4. Jochendude

    Starving, saved by my friend.

    Thanks for the reply's guys!
  5. As the topic says. I was almost dead by starvation. In a town looking after food and really couldn't find anything... I think i had a few seconds to live, when my friend came and fed me :) I survived, but my screen is horrible... Gray and blurry. Is there anything i can do to get it back to normal? I have eaten 4-5 cans of food, but my screen is still gray and blurry. Any advice?
  6. Hello, Anyone else have this annoying bug/glitch? This has happened 4 times now and it's really annoying. I just logout, exit the game. After a few hours, log back in. I see my character fully geared at the startup screen. Enter a random server, Character at the beach with nothing... Quickly abort and exit. Now my character at the startup screen changed to a start character with nothing. Change server, again at the beacht... Change server, again...,... Nothing changes. A few of my friends have had this problem too. Is there any fix for this problem? maybe in the next patch? Best regards.
  7. Jochendude

    Servers with threatening names

    Last night i misclicked a server and went on one that says it would kick. Offcourse after a second i got kicked... Logged back in, character deleted... and started back at the coast!!!
  8. Jochendude

    Servers with threatening names

    Thanks for the warning :)
  9. Hi, I was browsing through some servers and was looking for a fairly low populated server. And i came accross some servers that had some threatening names. For example: Garantee kick on join, Character will be deleted on join, Join on your own risk char could be deleted,... Is that for real? or is that just some guy threatening everyone not to join his server, so he can get all the loot? Can an admin really delete someones character?
  10. Jochendude

    Is It Still Worth Buying The Dayz Mod?

    Yeah, i think i'll stick with the standalone for now then :) Thanks for the replys
  11. Jochendude

    Server Resets - Restarts Question

    Ok, will tell him :) Thanks for the response
  12. Hi, A friend told me the server will reset/restart every 2 weeks, and you loose your gear everytime. Is that true? Is there a fixed restart that wipes everything? Best regards
  13. Hello, I recently purchased the standalone and played it for several hours. It seems it still has a lot missing from what the mod has to offer (Alpha i know) And the weapon/food loot is soooo scarse, it's anoying. After seeing the episodes of FRANKIEonPC on the mod, i really want to try it. Offcourse the videos are from 2012 and i wonder if the mod is still the same and worth buying? Are a lot of people still playing this? Thanks for your reply
  14. Jochendude

    Simple question about the early access

    Thank you for your friendly reply :p
  15. If i buy the game now, will i also get acces to the full game once it gets released?