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Everything posted by PsyStormZ

  1. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    I might be interested in the fal if i find a magazine for it. I have 40 round mag for the m4. Might have more later if I don't spawn in naked :) Do you have winchester ammo?
  2. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    Dj do you have the ump and mag or just the mag? Also what are you looking for buddy?
  3. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

  4. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    So let's get this party started again! Post what you want and what you need! LOOKING FOR ON 3PP Stable. I am looking for FN Fal Magazine and Winchester rounds. I am looking for a UMP 45 with clips Let me know what you need.
  5. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    I have a Fal but no mags. Interested in SVD with optics.
  6. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    Thanks for the trade Bozsoki93
  7. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    Happy Trading!
  8. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    Very friendly guy and definitely worth trading with again! Thanks :)
  9. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    I have FN Fal with 2 mags with ammo I want USMC Pants Woodland and UMP/SVD Mags with ammo and a protector case. Also can you log in so I can see who you are please :) Thanks
  10. PsyStormZ

    Stealth [GUIDE] - DayZ Standalone

    Really appreciated the video. Sorry you had to put up with people imposing their play-styles but the video was great so thanks.
  11. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    @Bloodyz Thanks for the trade and for not shooting me. I know how hard that must be for a bandit but your self restraint and conversation was quite pleasant. lol Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :) @Flooww123 I will keep you in mind if I get another one.
  12. PsyStormZ

    Trading Post

    I have FN Fal with Clips and Folding Buttstock. I am looking for SVD with scope and mags, Ump Silencer, PSO1 Scope and 75 round akm magazine.
  13. I have seen a few videos with female players and we actually have one woman that plays with our squad. I am curious to know if there are many women that play this game and if so what they think about it. I have seen some really ignorant guys treating women badly in this game so far but I have also been treated badly. :)
  14. Was mainly curious about how women are treated in the game. I have seen some videos where guys take it a bit too far and are extremely abusive to women and just wanted to hear from others about it. I know women play games but this game is different from anything I have ever encountered in regards to interaction.
  15. PsyStormZ

    Audio Output/Input Option

    Yes was just about to make a post about this. I sometimes play while working and if I get a call I want to be able to switch to my headset instead of having to shut the game down entirely. As the OP said more options in other areas would be well appreciated.
  16. I would be ok with an m4 or rifle fitting in the backpack like the shotgun.
  17. No, I just think some guys abuse the situation even further when they learn they are dealing with a woman. In real life I don't allow this kind of thing in my presence and it also bugs me to see it in game. Sure treat them like anyone else but don't go out of your way to abuse and make sexist comments or call them names due to the fact they are female. I simply wanted to hear peoples experiences. Don't try to turn this into something else.
  18. I like the idea of getting rid of the melee weapon and carrying and additional primary. If you are lucky enough to find a close and long range gun why not allow us to have them both at the cost of space or some other effect? Currently in game you can carry two but you drop one every time you make some action. It also stops you from running so you can only carry the additional primary gun in your hand. I think this is already punishment enough for carrying two primary guns. If they would remove the dropping of the weapon every time you do an action I would be happy with the penalty of slow movement. Alternatively they could let us replace our heavy axes with another primary. This would be ideal and would make sense due to the weight of an axe vs a rifle.
  19. PsyStormZ

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    What is this crap? This is Alpha and you are fixing things quickly as if it's the final release. This pace is too fast for an alpha as I was expecting to wait at least 2 months for each patch but you guys are doing them every week. Jeez! Loving this game and the progress guys! Keep it coming!
  20. PsyStormZ

    Anyone Else Unable To Jog?

    I just switch to first person mode and then hit shift. It seems to get stuck sometimes in 3rd person.
  21. I think it's ok to fix yourself but if other players have bad items it seems to affect you anyhow.
  22. PsyStormZ

    Todays Fix Erased My Character

    I don't think the servers are actually up. I logged on earlier to the same new character but it wasn't a fresh spawn. I think they haven't loaded the info yet so be patient and let's see what happens when they are truly ready.
  23. This is very thoughtful and will be done in time for the weekend players. Thanks for the update and keeping us all informed. New to this game but so far it has consumed 280 hours :)
  24. PsyStormZ

    No server list - 04/02/2014

    I am having the same issue. Restarted everything and checked file integrity.