First of all, congrats of wasting 100+ hours of my life on dayz SA and 300+ on the mod (ment in a good way, f'in lovin it). While atm we have a 4 man squad in SA, but some of our old mod veterans had some criticim about all the new features but no apparent fix for the zombie ai/ clipping (being the only thing that holds them back). Could you shed some light upon the status of the zombie ai/clipping fix? And you can keep the new weapons, animals, cars, busses, motorcycles, planes, helicopters and hell, you can even have the tRex. As long the binoculairs are introduced. Time and time again, i've been wishing that i had one, its such an useful (observing/planning) tool. So whats the e.t.a. on that? This brings me to my suggestions: 1)Using the long range scope, PU Scope and ACOG in your hands(without a weapon) as an alternative for a binoculair. 2) Use spray paint on burlap sack for camo, and craft it on your ballistic helmet.(Its way to shiny/obvious atm. spotted multiple snipers because they wore em)