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Everything posted by Ganzor

  1. Ganzor

    US|228|229|230|231 Community Thread & Reports

    Not blaming anybody, just defending my good name. :)
  2. Ganzor

    US|228|229|230|231 Community Thread & Reports

    Hey, thanks for the personal attacks and the demonstration of your immaturity. We were already in the procesz of moving our stuff to a different server due to the aforementioned crippling lag when the server changed to a noobie server. But by all means, don't let reality get in the way of your internet trolling.
  3. Ganzor

    US|228|229|230|231 Community Thread & Reports

    Disagree all you like, it won't change the facts. I and about 5 of my friends had the exact same issue on your server for a period of days. Other servers worked fine, so I fail to see how it was a game wide issue that only had an effect on your server. I have changed the focus of nothing, and lied about nothing. I simply went into more detail by what the meaning of "crippling lag" meant. My timelines, while imprecise, are accurate. The only reason I'm still posting about it is because instead of saying "Yeah, the server had problems for a while there.", you decided to call me a liar.
  4. Ganzor

    Why is DayZ/Arma so easily hacked?

    From what I can tell, almost everything is controlled client side with no sanity checks to the server. If you can make your client do something, the server will accept that action as legit.
  5. Ganzor

    US|228|229|230|231 Community Thread & Reports

    There's nothing to correct. The server was down for days. First something about the internet, then apparently waiting for the new hardware to be approved. This continued for at least two days, it's a fact. Then, when the server reappeared, it was good for about a day, and then the crippling lag I mentioned. We'd open a tent, hit the arrow to take something out, and two minutes later it would appear in our bags. For every 30 seconds of no lag, you'd get 2 minutes of not being able to do anything with your inventory. After a couple days of this, we gave up. When the server was actually playable again,we discovered the "noobie" settings. We've since moved to a reliable server, only returning to US229 when we want to transfer something out of our tents to the new server. The crippling lag was noticed by all of us, and made attempting to move anything out of the tents an exorcise in frustration, not to mention the often 10 minute black screen to enter the server. I'm not saying the outage and lag that followed was your fault or even under your control, but to imply that I'm making it up is disingenuous of you. The server seems to have somewhat stabalized now, but we've already moved on.
  6. Ganzor

    Bugs, Bandits and Life in Dayz

    Unfortunately, "alpha" is the best the fanboys can come up with to excuse absolutely any criticism of the game. A server could go down due to a hardware failure unrelated to Arma II or DayZ, and a large percentage of this community would chalk it up to alpha. Alpha is the get out of jail free card for this mod. Oh, and the "it's not a game" excuse runs a close second on the stupid scale.
  7. Ganzor

    US|228|229|230|231 Community Thread & Reports

    Currently moving our stuff off of US229. From regular rules to "noobie" rules: every option on. I understand you want to provide different rule sets, but jeeze. Server is down for days, it comes back up and runs good for a day or two and then it's a week of crippling lag, then "hey everybody, "noobie" ruleset!". Thanks for all the fishes!
  8. Ganzor

    Are Choppers In The Game?

    Do these people even know how to play the game?
  9. We demand realism, not balance! Now let me put this main rotor assembly for a helicopter in my backback...
  10. Ganzor


  11. Indeed. I figured the kicking problem was a battleye thing, but now the server is lagging so bad it's unplayable in a group.
  12. I'm getting the error on US229, hosted by the same people. Is everybody on this thread from US228, 299, 230, or 231?
  13. Having the same problem. I can put things in my inventory, but as soon as I click on them to take them out, or even just CLOSE my inventory, battleeye kicks me, AND my game crashes.
  14. Clusterfuck patches like this are to be expected in an alpha I suppose. Why do we keep doing this on Friday? Out home server is MIA, every other one we try to join is "Wait for host" for eternity. Can we stop breaking the game on Friday when people want to play the most? (insert fanboy rants below)
  15. Ganzor

    Hacking or Admin abuse on US PA1

    We ran in to a bunch of players the other night on PA 1 who, after we complimented them on actually having a good firefight without alt-F4ing and ghosting, promptly started ghosting. Were only there because our normal server was down, we will not be returning.
  16. Ganzor

    To the poor guy I killed in Stary Sobor

    And thus is the state of the community of this mod. "To the guy who killed me in X, screw you" thread: community tells the guy to stop whining, bandit is the only viable playstyle, etc "To the guy I killed in X, lol owned" thread: community praises the guy and encourages him to post more about it. Both thread types are pointless.
  17. I believe the problem comes from the need to manually save them. If you empty your tents and then save them, I believe the contents stay gone. But, you can fill a tent with all kinds of good stuff, save it, then take the stuff out and it will all come back on a restart.
  18. You're right, some places it's Saturday. Point still stands. golfclap
  19. Ganzor

    Different Running Speeds

    I'm actually fairly sure this is caused by a poor framerate. I run with some people with good FPS, and some with bad FPS. The people with bad FPS are consistantly slower then the rest of us.
  20. Ganzor

    Equipments/gears you have with your current character?

    Enjoying my M249 SAW :) Group also currently has an off road truck and two tractors.
  21. Ganzor

    To The massive convoy on US 38

    I think this same group rolled up on us overlooking Elektro last night. People with two cars, all kinds of sniper rifles and gear, with nothing better to do then snipe unarmed people from a mile away on a hill. We *almost* had those cars. friend was in position to take one, but we figured they'd just chase him down in the other. As I was getting into position, they started moving the cars and somebody spotted him. Two separate times their spotter was 3 feet away from me while I was prone and he never saw me. Need to get a better spotter. But, of course, if these guys had any real skills they'd be shooting at targets that can fight back.
  22. Group of noobs with two cars on the top of the hill north of the Electro power station. Sniping defenseless players. Go take their cars!
  23. No, he's not just as bad. He didn't change servers to gain a tactical advantage. What other defense did he have from the proven server hoppers? Ask them nicely to play fair?
  24. Ganzor

    Do people even crawl?

    Remember all those zombie movies where if people wanted to travel from point A to point B they had to crawl there? It's REALISTIC!