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About cegu

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. cegu

    Spawn time is too high

    Damn, I have always to start from 0 cause of retarded servers, if I want to switch server and find my old character (something like impossible) I have to wait the death... Find a compromise..
  2. cegu

    Spawn time is too high

    Please reduce spawn time limit to 60 or 90 seconds, I hate waiting 300 seconds and discover that I'm in a server with a clean character. I've always to find right servers to receive my stuff... Sorry for bad english and please... Fix connection issues before adding something else :(
  3. When I join a server, player list shows 0 ping and 0 desync, I can't do anything like using weapons or opening doors... After 5 miutes I got disconnected with message "Session lost". Only test servers work. How can I solve this problem?