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About Animosh

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    On the Coast
  1. I have read that this game is set in Russia and also read it was the Czech Republic. All the road signs and names of Stores/buildings are in Russian. Yet all the books are in English. WtF gives on this oversight? Did an American library helicopter crash? Maybe America, instead of sending aid to help, sent books over then those are the helicopter crash sites?
  2. Animosh

    Cheating you've encountered

    The worse one I have seen is character duping. They log off on at the right moment and can dupe their entire character. I have come across an area where there were 15+ of the same character all standing there. Shit ton of combat loggers/server hopping
  3. So how do they get around copyright laws with these books? I highly doubt they have permission to re-print them If I can read+ poop at the same time then I will join your cause
  4. Animosh

    Gentelmans way to mosin around.

    1. So you met a cheater. He was abusing the game to dupe items. 2. He gives you items for free 3. Your excited and haoot and alright with using cheats 4. You get banned for using items with duped item ID 5. Then I am happy
  5. isn't anyone concerned that the video is a guy hiding inside a building with no textures? Thought this meant he is inside a zone you normally can not get to