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Everything posted by helcol

  1. helcol

    Is there any way to report dupers?

    That's why I was curious, because an exploit, like combat logging, is extremely hard to eliminate. But the dev's are trying to eliminate it. There are also some people that think combat logging is not an exploit. [Edit] my question has been answered. Thank you to those who did so in an ethical manner. :)
  2. helcol

    Saving DayZ from the douche bags

    OP, to be real here, there is a system like this in "Age of Wushu" That still does not stop people from killing other players around them :rolleyes:
  3. helcol

    Is there any way to report dupers?

    I will, sadly the group of friends I currently have pretty much stopped playing Dayz. However, I woke up today and thought to give it another go. Maybe i won't find two people and three bodies in the middle of the forest duping gear.
  4. helcol

    Is there any way to report dupers?

    because collecting gear is a part of survival and duping ruins that factor of survival, I will, for a fact, quit dayz SA if this glitch makes it into the beta. But, the dev's know and I hope they find a way to fix this...soon
  5. helcol

    Is there any way to report dupers?

    then what separates the beta from the alpha?
  6. helcol

    Is there any way to report dupers?

    so in beta stage?
  7. helcol

    Is there any way to report dupers?

    I see, I will probably take a break from the game until this glitch is fixed. It is annoying to walk up to a duping farm. :( Thanks for the replies! Do any of you know when it WILL be punishable to do exploits?
  8. helcol

    Reason why Bandits rise and heroes die.

    i·ro·ny1ˈīrənē,ˈiərnē/noun 1. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. "“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony" synonyms: sarcasm, causticity, cynicism, mockery, satire, sardonicism More Seriously, calling him a troll when your post has made people, like myself, face palm. Also, use appropriate terminology, you are not supporting your argument by calling people the "R" word. <_<
  9. helcol

    Moving Objects outside Inventory

    they need to put a limit if they do this, Would be really awkward to see someone running around with a floating car motor in front of them. <_<
  10. soundboards. and they have shitty mics that pick up even a silent fart. I hate it when my friends troll me with their soundboards, they do that every once and a while.
  11. helcol

    Things we can interact with in the environment

    I got something you missed: EAT! THE! BERRIES! .... oh and people, we interact with people. [edit] added a lil bit of color to spice things up
  12. helcol

    Spoiled brats

    The mentality that dev's need to have a patch every week, in my opinion, is really idiotic. Why should the dev's rush to make a game that will be crap if they don't take their time working on it? Take bf4 on pc, that game was released WAAAAAY to early and it ruined the game for alot of people. Also, I bet the people who complain that there is no patch yet for Dayz are master programmers who can probably debug to save their lives. (sarcasm) Seriously, give the dev's time and report bugs, the game is being complained about as if it were release status and it really is irritating to hear someone bitch about one things, have the dev's spend so much time fixing the issue, and then they bitch about another problem and take the dev's for granted.
  13. helcol

    Tree sap

    Has there been any mentioning of tree sap being added into the game? If there was, I could imagine how it could lead to an interesting survival situation. If someone were to try to chew on tree sap w/o gloves on, the tree sap will be EXTREMELY sticky. It could be interesting, you are dying of starvation and you need some form of energy, the tree sap could be a good choice, but with major complications attached to it. If tree sap has not been mentioned, are the Berenzino orchards going to have a purpose?
  14. helcol

    Really, devs?

    yes! I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/179302-guys-i-need-help/
  15. helcol

    Tree sap

    Also, has there been talk about adding glass jars?
  16. helcol

    Someone is very happy right now

    something similar happened to me OP, had a m4a1 and came across a bayonet. I was so excited that I made the mistake of being at the edge of the tree line. "you are dead"
  17. helcol

    Let's talk about the Long Range Scope.

    Thank you, was wondering if it was just me. Back on topic, Should the lrs be a craftable item in the future (lens+duct tape+metal frame) I feel that maybe binoculars should be craftable, that's just my opinion.
  18. helcol

    Let's talk about the Long Range Scope.

    I feel it should be a privalege rather than a given too. The binoculars should be way more common than the lrs. Also, off topic, do deer stands spawn loot?
  19. and have the game banned in multiple countries, no thank you.
  20. helcol

    Let's talk about the Long Range Scope.

    also, quoting myself (like a certified A-hole) I would also like to add that the scopes should appear in different zooms, reticules, and conditions.
  21. helcol

    Let's talk about the Long Range Scope.

    Binoculars are a must, really needs to be added. Also, they need to make variations of the lrs, make it so that some scopes work better on certain guns. This means that even though you have an lrs, you still need to find a better one to suit your rifle.
  22. helcol

    Recording DayZ gameplay

    I try to print screen every once and a while. I then make a stop motion movie out of my print screen. I compile the photographs together and...I have a stop motion film with only black slides. I use fraps
  23. helcol

    Let's talk about the Long Range Scope.

    I think that the lrs should spawn on the clock tower in Cherno, that way the only way people can find it is by climbing on the clock tower and revealing themselves. I think the lrs should not spawn inside residential because the fact that it is rare makes it that much more worth it once you find one. That's my take on.....HELICOPTERS LRS
  24. helcol

    The CZ 550

    Has there been any mention of adding the CZ 550 into the SA? http://dayz.gamepedia.com/CZ_550 http://bazar.hunting-shop.cz/__userdata/photos/8533-cz-550-fs--0.jpg This was one of my favorites and, I felt, the most balanced sniper rifles in the mod because It was a two shot kill...unless it was a headshot. An addition of this in the SA, in my opinion, would be great and would make people take tactical shots rather than just aim for center body mass. I would be cool if the gun came in iorn sight and you had to find a long range scope, but I feel this gun would really add to the game. What do you guys think? Does the CZ 550 have room in the SA?
  25. helcol

    The CZ 550

    variety = should feel limitless quantity = should be a luxury to find a gun. period.