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Machete Molotov

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About Machete Molotov

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Anyone else being randomly disconnected from a server after a few minutes of playing. After I downloaded the patch today it keeps happening. It'll say "confirmation of changes:session lost". It's driving me crazy as I can only play for 5 minutes tops before this happens. Any ideas/fixes/workarounds will be greatly appreciated.
  2. Machete Molotov

    the doomed one...

    Am I the only one who immediately thought of Hobo With A Shotgun?
  3. Machete Molotov

    no more alphas for me

    Why are people still complaining about this?!? You're explicitly warned not to buy the DayZ standalone if you arent prepared to help develop the game. You're told several times that this ALPHA is nowhere close to feature complete and hardly playable. Zombie AI isn't as easy a fix as all you nay sayers make it seem. They require changes to the engine. The fact that they don't zig zag and randomly run towards you is HUGE improvement over the zombies in the mod. We're still a long way out from BETA so I don't see how people aren't ECSTATIC that you can play it at all. TL;DR: Don't bitch about the game not running right when in fact you are told not to buy this if you're looking for a finished product.