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Everything posted by xx407demonxx

  1. xx407demonxx

    *Optional* Tutorial

    No. Not every game needs a tutorial. Your tutorial is this: Survive.
  2. xx407demonxx

    Indication of which doors can and cannot be opened.

    All doors are going to be able to be opened soon. As for indicators, most doors that can be opened, have a detailed door knob that sticks out. Most.
  3. xx407demonxx

    Move the spawning points

    He has a point. I can hear my buddies footsteps everywhere in town. It sounds like we have high heels on.
  4. xx407demonxx

    DayZ Gameplay and other Suggestions

    Hey Dev Team. I've been reading a lot of comments and suggestions of things to add to the game. While it would be cool to see things like skateboards and fully modded weapons, I feel it takes away from the gritty realism and genuine fear of the survival horror genre. I do have some suggestions however. I am new to this game, but love it already. I would like to see game pad support. I know you have support already but I would like to see a default control scheme when I plug in the controller. I know that you would need a huge controller to support everything, but just the basics like movement and looking/aiming and interactions. I have mine set up so my Xbox 360 controllers left stick moves, right stick aims/looks, (Y) brings up inventory, (A) interacts, and the d-pad crouches/prones, and stands. I need to assign more buttons but you get the gist of it. Also, I think that the day and night shouldn't be real time. I work in the day and would like to go online and play in the day and night. I also believe that weapons should be scarce and hard to find, but maybe a more varied melee weapons. Like buildings having pipes to break off and 2x4's or prices of wood laying around a worksite or broken down building would be cool. I haven't played too much, but I've been reading a lot. I hope that maybe some ideas here would be considered, and maybe even applied. I'm sure I'll have a few more as the time passes. Great game idea and gameplay is alright, but hey, it can only go up from here :D