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Everything posted by Gravar

  1. So i bought a server yesterday and it has worked fine until i restarted it for the first time, now it seems that everytime anyone joins they spawn at new location with basic start gear, when i then join another server i go back to my same old gear, so wtf is going on? is there a way i can fix this or have i wasted my money on this ? please help and thank you, This is btw the game not the mod.
  2. Thank you Dagnome, thats good enough for me :)
  3. god i hate when people say its alpha, i know its alpha, and i know that its a known bug, what i want to know is if there is anyway i can fix the bug or if i just have to wait the time out? host is gameservers and no message recieved keeps showing up aswell so im guessing its a problem coming from them or something :/