As long as the volume of the tent or backpack is limited, and as long as the tent or backpack is bound to ONE server, I have no problem accepting these as part of the game... for a couple of reasons... First, you will still respawn with nothing. a 4-slot pair of pants. You have to survive long enough to Get TO your backpack. By then, hopefully, you have more storage slots, or you wont be able to re-equip yourself with all the goodies you have stored. Perhaps you stored a pair of nice fatigues and storage vest in your tent. There's 8 slots. Of course you'd want to pack away 2-3 cans of beanie weinies and a 4-pack or pipsi. There's a few more slots. Pistol, extra ammo, Clip.. More slots. I'm hoping the storage space will be somewhat limited so you have to think carefully what you store. Second... Once re-equipped, now you have to make some supply runs to restock your tent/backpack. There's some killer time. I'm not sure if heading to a backpack stashed all the way across the map is easier than simply heading to towns/bases and gearing up. So overall, they do not bother me much. Now.. if they move to whatever server you log in on... I'm not sure I like that.