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Everything posted by zenvolta

  1. zenvolta


    So whats the point of this, for the end user that is. I saw EU's map and all my friends were playing that. Why should we switch?
  2. zenvolta

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    New content vs New features. Really the guns are in the game right now. They just need to be added to the Loot Tables. Also get off my posts. You can quote this.
  3. zenvolta

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Darn, no new guns. La sigh. Maybe next update
  4. Anyone what timezone Rockets in? I really wanna try the update! Awesome work Community Guys!!
  5. The one thing that I feel was missing from this update was the lack of new guns. So many mods going around with new guns with attachments and such. Adds some spice to the shooting part of the game when people are using things other than AS50s and M4A3's. Yeah I know, a lot of the guns are the "same" but it still adds some variety to the ascetic and realism of the game.
  6. INB4 Super Secret Halloween addition (really hope he adds something like this)
  7. zenvolta

    Rape Dungeon - DayZ Namalsk

    ScubaSteave Heyyyy! Yeah Im ZeroZen. Me and my friends had to change servers since this one hasnt been fixed yet.
  8. zenvolta

    Rape Dungeon - DayZ Namalsk

    Hello, been playing on your sever for a few days now with some friends. Great server. One thing though, it seems like all the Vehicles have disappeared. Could you check and make sure its not the work of a hacker? I mean we have waited till after server resets and gone to look, still nothing. Thanks
  9. What Id like to see is better ways to play as a group. LIke you could add people to your squad and you could see there name plates to keep track of whos who. Maybe even a green triangle above their heads(sounds dumb but anything is better than nothing). Right now the faces dont help to tell each other apart since you were a hat most of the time and clothes can be different from client to client. I heard rocket was tossing around the idea of Arm bands. That would be nice. Arma has the squad URL thing thats built into the game maybe it could encompass the arm bands or name tag system(so people couldnt easily sneak into your group).
  10. If theres hackers there...why the fuck would I go and try to raid anything?!
  11. zenvolta

    Camp location inside - US 38

    I just went there. The hackers are killing people. That place is fucking nuts....good luck doing anything
  12. Title says it all. We were shot at from the front and I started fraps only to have the guy pop up behind my friend and then DC to escape. Video for proof.
  13. zenvolta

    Pending Update: Build

    FIx the accessing the gear on the bus. Maybe try to lessen the Desync issues? Oh and more customization =)
  14. zenvolta

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket could you add the base level for groups? I mean at this point I would settle for using the squad URL and apply a green dot about my squads heads or something. Anything would be better than nothing.
  15. I have video proof bro. But thanks for not reading =) And reading back your post I can see English must not be your first language. But in the video you can very clearly see(in 1080p) a guy killing my friend and then me shooting the fuck out of him, only to have him DC. Im looking right at him. Dunno how anyone could say this isnt "proof".
  16. zenvolta

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    You should have taken the death like a man, bro. Thats the risk you run in game. Who can you trust. Will you turn on each other? ALT + F4 isnt in real life and as such wouldnt have saved you. If it was me. I would have died. Respawned ran back to the hut and see if he looted my shit. If not grab my gun and hunt the fucker down.
  17. zenvolta

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Iv said the same thing. But I also understand that server owners cant always get the files needed to update AS SOON as they come out. Give it about a day and let the servers catch up. With so many damn patches coming out its hard as a player to keep up with them. Do I upgrade for what could be fixed? Or do I wait in case its broke? A lot of times I feel Rocket and BIS arent on the same page. And it leads players down winding roads of betas and rcs, that could just be avoided if some statement would be made about them
  18. zenvolta

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Then push forward Rouxies! No looking back! Take a breath of relief as you start a new adventure into the twisted world of DayZ. No longer bound by the shackles of your gear and the thought of losing it. Run wild in the streets!
  19. zenvolta

    Would you take the shot?

    I would have put him down. Fresh loot for my friend when he spawns in. But something thats fun is to just watch people, follow them around and such. I can understand why you didnt shoot though. Gives you power. Thinking "I could have killed that guy, but chose to let him live".
  20. Got any links to what this DLC is?
  21. Wait. Whats this DLC people are throwing around on here?? Am I going to have to pay more just to keep playing DayZ? I hope this gets explained ASAP
  22. Where did you get that quote from? And I agree. More guns! More Loot. Helis. Also steam hasnt updated yet. So is the update still on the fence? Can we get an update on the update? I wanna say "update" one last time....update Edit: NVM Ander said it. @Ander will you be my steam friend? Ill test all the latest builds and share my beans with you lol
  23. zenvolta

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    New Beta patch is messed up. You need to downgrade.
  24. HAHAH Hey man. I was in a panic, spawned with just a pistol right next the firehouse and you jumped out in front of me, instinct took over lol. Sorry I didnt have anything good on me though lol @Ander can you tell us if at least if a good amount of servers are running the new @Hive files?