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Everything posted by doctorwhy

  1. Call it what you want. Guys got a gun and at a military base. I have NEVER been at one where some guy was "friendly" ever.
  2. Sometimes you hear the environment pop sound and you don't know. This guy was so loud and didn't care in a prison. Has nothing to do with the pop. Has everything to do with the lesson that anyone can be anywhere at anytime especially on a high pop and especially at the NWAF. Just because it's that lone building doesn't mean people don't go there. I obviously went to check it out. His stupidity is what got him killed. to sidetrack my own convo though I am LOVING the changes in experimental. I love that you get cold. I've had to huddle a couple times with a fire. matches are a must now. I of course made sure I was at least in the middle of the forest not near high traffic areas to start the fire. With the hunting one can almost go without hitting towns to survive now. eventually though I'm going to have to die at a military base because Im now that geared yet.
  3. doctorwhy

    PLEASE just add a "Anywhere suicide button"

    All good ways yes but I think OP is wanting a more quick way to die and spawn because he doesn't like where he is.
  4. doctorwhy

    Reporting Hackers?

    Totally Agree. I don't mind dying by anyone armed or bambi (if I'm dumb enough to let them get that advantage) as long as it's Legit. The hacking thing totally SUCKS!
  5. doctorwhy

    PLEASE just add a "Anywhere suicide button"

    1 big reason why it SHOULDN'T be a thing. It's a survival game not a I died in electro and need to get back there quick game. Go play C.O.D
  6. doctorwhy

    Doors & Noise

    I really hope that doors eventually make a sound when opened. I think that alone could add a dynamic to searching and leaving doors open or closed. If I knew the doors would make a sound and I was playing without my partner in crime with me I'd be closing doors to listen if I am being snuck up on. Thoughts?
  7. doctorwhy


    sounds like for economical value polish is the way to go then.
  8. doctorwhy


    Why does it have to be a polish whore?
  9. doctorwhy

    Where can you reliably get backpacks now?

    - Supermarkets - What I call The Bar (has a bar and tables in one room) one story orange building - Any of the Orange Buildings - Jails - New medical Centers
  10. doctorwhy

    Killing Bandits for fun

    Couldn't get passed the uber unnecessarily long intro.
  11. I Know it will grow however the one thing I notice both on experimental and Stable is you get way more rain than sunny days. I would say 75% of the time is cloudy and rainy. I think THAT should be balanced out.
  12. doctorwhy

    Rain makeing you bleed

  13. Only trying to highlight the fact that OP thinks he's a developer and knows what or how it should be done. Maybe he's AGILE certified, maybe he's a code wizard. But judging by his silly ill conceived rant I am guessing he's not been to one SCRUM meeting.
  14. Okay OP you start coding right now! GO!
  15. I'd rather once loot respawns see the character tied to the server. "Server Hopper? Never heard of her!" oh oh there I've gone and done it. people are about to flame me.
  16. doctorwhy

    People who eat tuna

  17. doctorwhy

    Reason why Bandits rise and heroes die.

    Hmm, seems the OP wants to play in "Teams vs Teams" When did this become COD or Battlefield. It's a survival game.
  18. doctorwhy

    Doors & Noise

    My friend always sneaks up on me in a building and hits the wall with his axe and scares the bajeeebuzes outa me. That's my primary goal is to stop his shenanigans
  19. doctorwhy

    Bandit Lobbies

    Technically we're all bandits running into houses and stealing left over shit we find on the ground, or bodies. Remember to be killed on sight or robbed you need to be seen.
  20. doctorwhy

    So how do bodies/corpses work?

    IF somebody go to it first they can "hide it"
  21. doctorwhy

    you know you played to much DayZ when......

    You hold ALT in other games to look around while you keep moving forward and it NEVER works....yet you still keep doing it.
  22. doctorwhy


    Check in the ground 80% of the time in the piano house or orange buildings you can only see tips of the handles.