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Posts posted by nvrsbr

  1. Perhaps you could try:


    The troubleshooting forum




    The new player forum







    As you seem to have formed a habit of starting a lot of threads that I feel do not belong here.


    This is general discussion right.... right.

    Any way ty for your internet police post.

    I am sure if the moderators of this Forum feel I am posting in the incorrect spot they will let me know.

    And when they do I will listen to them.

    • Like 1

  2. There are some huge issues with client and server syncing at the moment.

    The lag spikes that happen even on low ping servers is quite common.

    You know its happening when you try to bring out a weapon and it does not happen or try to open a door and it does not open.

    During this time you can easily be shot, stabbed, axed, attacked by a Zombie etc etc and you would never know its happening.


    Even with the "so called fix" in another thread that requires you to do some registry editing to help with client lag it can still happen.


    I hope this issue gets fixed soon because at the moment its a game breaker.

  3. I just had some lag issues on a server, so I decided to leave and go to another one.

    I was in a field with no one or anything around. (I always make sure to get out of a server in a safe spot).


    I get on another server and I am dead?


    So yeah not cool, I hope this is not normal.

    Its one thing to die from a Zombie or another player (which is fine) but to lose a well developed char to a glitch like this is very hard to swallow :P

  4. Sorry for my rant guys, I guess I needed to vent lol.

    Anyway thanks for the helpfull hints, and yes I should have looked into it more. (I need to take my own advice sometimes).


    BTW I love DayZ.... tried the MOD but didnt really get into it, but for some reason Standalone has sucked me in.


    Happy Gamming!!!

  5. I just died because I ran around for 2 HOURS and could not find any water.

    Oh I found a lake and ponds which I couldnt drink from cause I COULD NOT find anyhting to put water into.

    I didnt find 1 water pump or anyhting lelse.

    This needs to be fixed, I mean how the heck are you supposed to drink when you cannot get water ?


    Also there is no food anyhwre to be found.....


    And before you say anyhting about the stuff already being looted, I was on a server all alone.


    Seriously where is the friggin drinkable water in this game ?
