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Everything posted by nvrsbr

  1. I am so sick and tired of smashing keys and having nothing happen. Would love to be able to play the game instead of standing around waiting for my keys to actually make me equip stuff, open doors, pick up stuff etc etc. Only fix is to head to another server... but OH WAIT I have to wait for the timer to count down so I can play :P
  2. nvrsbr

    De-Sync issues ever going to be fixed?

    Well my internet connection is very fast, so no issues there.
  3. nvrsbr

    Rain makes the game unplayable.

    I am using a GTX 260 cause my main card died with clouds on max and I get no issues. Stop using the weather as an excuse for you trying to run the game at higher settings than your PC can handle.
  4. nvrsbr


    Bullshit.. I have pre patch gear and ZERO issues. All this FPS drop crap and memory leak crap is BS. If it was a memory leak EVERYONE would be having issues, and this is just not the case!!
  5. I just turned my Clouds up to Max and still NO Fps drop. Just and FYI with the weather now added the CLOUDS make a huge difference on the lighting of the game. Its looks so much better with clouds at MAX.
  6. I have noticed NO FPS drop when its raining. The game runs like a dream for me and looks gorgeous and I am only running a GTX 260 since my main card went kaboom a few weeks back. Its all about your settings and tweaking the game performance. Those that are complaining are trying to run the game at MAX settings!!
  7. I have not heard any thunder yet, is there is lightning as well?
  8. nvrsbr

    How to fix FPS drop issue caused today 2/7/2014

    I have had NO FPS drop since the latest patches.
  9. LOL First server I went on after posting the above... it was raining :D Love the overcast cloudy weather it adds so much depth to the game.
  10. I haven't seen any rain..... ever!!
  11. Checked all that prior to making this post. Looks like it just might be the server I am playing on. I switched servers and the lighting is fine, go back it and the lighting is wierd again.
  12. nvrsbr

    Lag and Desync issues.

    I am getting a TON of Lag and Desync issues since the latest patch (stable branch). Anyone else noticing this?
  13. #1. Make it so people cannot log out when they are in combat. #2. And once loot timers are fixed make it so that even if a server is restarted the loot timer continues from where it left off before the server was restarted. That way server hoping becomes useless.. #3 Profit. Quite simple really.
  14. Like I said earlier make it so you cannot log out while in Combat. Problem Solved. And once the loot spawns are fixed then server hopping wont be an option anymore anyway. So really the timer is retarded.
  15. Remove it. With all the bugs that this ALPHA has the timer was a stupid idea. It is causing more trouble than good. And when loot spawns are fixed the timer will no longer be needed anyway. SO.... make it so that if you are in Combat you CANNOT logout. <------- This would have been a way better way to do things at this point in the games development.
  16. nvrsbr

    Char not saving?

    Everytime I play for a bit then logout and come back I am in the exact same spot I was the lfirst time I logged in with none of the equipment or any progress saved from my last play session. So basically I keep logging in tot he exact same spot ecery time with no save from last gameplay. Any idea ??
  17. nvrsbr

    Char not saving?

    And I just lost my Mosin because I painted it.... really ?????????????
  18. I hear there was a patch, was it for experimental or Stable ?
  19. Like I said before "Was in the Experimantal thread and I never look at that cause I play stable"
  20. Thanks :D Was in the Experimantal thread and I never look at that cause I play stable :D
  21. I have looked there I don.t see anything about patch for Feb 7th ?
  22. And where is this information?
  23. nvrsbr

    how did i randomly die?

    Died twice from just switching servers :(