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Demonio (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Demonio (DayZ)

  1. Demonio (DayZ)

    Morailty in gaming poll

    Stop talking and all log in servers, i need some players to kill FAST!!!
  2. Demonio (DayZ)


    In the meantime that we wait for a true binocular, why can't be used the long range scope or the pu scope like a binocular? I like to play close and med range, so the M4 is the best way of gameplay for me, but i miss the chance to spy at players from far, so if i found a pu scope or a long range pu scope would be nice if i can use them like a binocular (happens also in real life )
  3. Demonio (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Challenging hit 10/15 time a zombie moving in circle ... this is challenging? LOL! To me is boring LOL!
  4. Demonio (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Agree but only 28k player in the peak? 1.800.000 players buyed this game ... and 1.700.000 left so fast?
  5. Demonio (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I don't like this experimental ... Zombies don't run anymore, Take Ages to kill zombies (also with fireaxe) it is really boring (aye not challenging only boring) now, They didn't do critical damage (or at least not so often like the stable), Nerf to run of players (really necessary?) New loot spawn (not really needed) I hope that all will go back to last stable and this experimental will not become the new stable :(
  6. Demonio (DayZ)

    Unlimited ammo - no reload hack

    I don't think it is a hack it is only a bug of the game that someone has know how to exploit. Like duping the weapon did you remeber? After 1 or 2 patch the terrible infinite ammo who would make implode from inside Dayz SA will disappear linke snow at the sun.
  7. Demonio (DayZ)

    Post your Preferred Loadout

    Usually i'm feel complete with: Head: Ballistic Helmet (Green) Feet: Combat Boots (Green) Hands: Brown Working Glove Shirt: TTsKO Jacket Pants: TTsKO Pants Vest: UK Assault Vest - DPM Camo Weapon: M4, RED DOT, Long Range accesories (Green Painted) Weapon: Sawed-off IZH-43 Meele: Fire Axe (Green painted) Back: Green Mountain Backpack
  8. Demonio (DayZ)

    Now i know who all you are :)

    Kill the sniper, bambi or bandit player go near his body then use the check the pulse option! In the bottom left corner a message will appear, before the status of the heart you will see the NAME of the player killed or injured! Profit, now i will screenshot (to proof how they are geared also :D ) all of my victims!!!
  9. Demonio (DayZ)

    Now i know who all you are :)

    Thank you man, players like you are one of the most important reasons because i play DAyZ :D And remember:
  10. I always hid weapons that i find, if i have already one but i always check bushes near houses already looted :D
  11. Demonio (DayZ)

    Wait for Host then Please Wait...

    After a long time 1 minute or more looking at the message Waiting for host another message pop up Please Wait... and after 5 minutes i'm still there waiting ... this happen with the new stable 0.42 with 0.35 all work fine! Little help pls?
  12. Demonio (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Ignorant troll, it is good enough for you?
  13. I've waited for the 0.37 going stable ... and went the 0.42 in experimental ... oh god! And no fix to audio ... oh god!
  14. Demonio (DayZ)

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    You are confused about the meaning of SURVIVAL game ...
  15. Demonio (DayZ)

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    Because it is FUN and i like to harrass people. Because it is a sandbox and i play it as i wish. If they kill more players than me, they are better than me. Really not, there are player who knows play and players who are noobs Really not, ashamed must be who came in the forum crying
  16. Demonio (DayZ)

    Time to show some love to bands

    There must be a command in game that let build a team then all the team member can saw a red rubber on the right arm so they can recognize who is a team member and who are not
  17. Demonio (DayZ)

    Time to show some love to bands

    Yes much better, thank to show me the thread!
  18. There must be a command in game that let build a team then all the team member can saw a red rubber on the right arm so they can recognize who is a team member and who are not
  19. This is a really big problem, sound aren't affidable and in a game like a survival fps they are vitals!!!! Also i noticed a problem, in the sniper hill of elektrozavodosk i found a lot of zombies probably attracted by the sound of snipers or LOS ... but they are pretty inoffensive i killed 5 of them (really close one to each other) without any problem, i hope that a zombie will mantain the agro also if it is really far from his spawn point (or maybe after some time he can return to his spawn point!) This are a player behaviour so you can't change it (thank to god!!!)
  20. Demonio (DayZ)

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    This mean nothig ... but this game it is alpha and have less problems than bf4 at release date ... maybe mean nothing but it is a fact! (we are still waiting noobs at Berezino come at will :P )
  21. Demonio (DayZ)

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    If the eat all mean you stay there until you finish the food it is equal to 4 time eating food i agree ... if eat alll mean eat 4 time in 1 time i don't agree ...
  22. Demonio (DayZ)

    why are people doing this ?

    Come to Berenzino Dayz DE and ITA servers we are waiting for you!!!
  23. Demonio (DayZ)

    How much of the map have you explored?

  24. Demonio (DayZ)

    I Suddenly understand just doing PVP/KOS

    Come to Berezino we are waiting for you!
  25. Demonio (DayZ)

    ID TAG

    I think at nice thing to do, it is to add an item like the ID TAG, with the name of the player (must be not lootable) and the only purpose must be to check the name of the players killed (or to check the identity of players when you neutralize them) Could be also nice in the information windows of players thatv are playing in the server, to show the number of death, zombie killed, players killed in that server session :)