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Posts posted by Mabans

  1. I just started seriously playing the game and there is something erriely apparent that encourages this type of behavior, the KOS mentality i mean. The exclusion of a 3rd active force working against all. See pretty much it's devided up into who "jerks" and those who aren't. The zombies aren't really much a threat, yet that is where it makes it an issue for players to actively be out there to harm each other because "Who else?". I'm not a designer or going to pretend to know the answer. The problem I do understand is the lack of a 3rd force that would make players work together or the use a situation to gain advantage to perhaps turn the tide or an opening for escape. Think about it, the threat of zombie infestation is pretty managable despite the suriviving humans murdering each other in masses, seeming never creating new hosts for zombies to arise. Now I'm not suggesting there be different types like Left 4 Dead type game but they rarely are an issue if not nothing more than a mere annoyance with one magically clipping through a wall. Until there is a 3rd or more active forces to encourage players to work together in some way (not just like getting sick), players will continue to make their own fun; which in this case is trolling the shit out of each other. I'm with a lot of other players, it is frustrating and it should be addressed but that doesn't mean that the solution is that you shouldn't head out to different areas of an already HUGE map.
