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Everything posted by Nastradamus87

  1. Nastradamus87

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    My last two deaths have been from hackers with at least ESP, but before that I hadn't seen any suspicious player activity. I explained in detail in a previous thread, but to summarize, a player who could not have possibly known my character's name without cheating addressed me by my name several times before killing me. Besides testimonies on this forum, there is an abundance of evidence proving that many hacks exist in the SA. Why are there so many skeptics who insist on sticking their head in the sand? Just because you haven't observed it first hand doesn't mean it doesn't exist. These two experiences have completely drained my enthusiasm for the game. Trying to survive from bandits on an even playing field is the only enjoyable aspect of the game in its current state for me. If someone kills me in a fair fight, that's fine. I try to learn from the experience to be a better player going forward. Dying at the hands of a hacker with an unfair advantage, though, makes me feel like playing this game is a waste of my life. I know they have some plans for eliminating certain hacks. I hope they are effective.
  2. I had a strange experience yesterday in an experimental server. I was hiding in the top floor of an appartment building about to log out when I took a bullet that ruined most of my gear but did no health damage. With only an axe and two rounds for the Blaze double rifle, I waited for the shooter to come looking for my body. Eventually he did just that, and turning his back to me at the top of the stairs was bad luck for him. My Blaze shots broke his legs. Then I hacked him to death while he fired wildly at me from the ground, but he manged to hit me at least once. All my bandages were ruined so I ran to the adjacent office building to find some. I ran into a random survivor who didn't shoot me and was nice enough to share a rag. My screen was completely greyscale from bloodloss. The two of us went back to loot the bandits body since he was fully geared. When were were checking his stuff someone from outside the building started calling my player name, "Mr Friendly." Then they let the bullets fly so they clearly weren't friendly. One of these new bandits eventually came up the stairs and almost got his head blown off by my new mosin. He was adressing me by my player name over chat. In the end, one of his buddies from outside the building filled me full of holes. How did they know my name? This was my first time on experiement, so is there a difference between these and the stable branch that lets you know other players' names?
  3. Nastradamus87

    How Did They Know My Player Name?

    Thanks for the replies. No one bandaged me or force fed me and I didn't type in chat. Also, it was a full 50 person server. I suspected hacking. Seems that it probably was.
  4. Nastradamus87

    How Did They Know My Player Name?

    At first I didn't realize he was saying my name. I actually had forgot what it was. When he was saying Mr Friendly, I thought he was identifying himself as friendly, but since he was wearing a mask and shooting at me I said to him over chat that he doesn't look friendly. That's when he said, "no, I'm saying your name, Mr Friendly." Very strange.
  5. Nastradamus87

    How Did They Know My Player Name?

    At the top of the stairs is kind of like a tee intersection; there is a hallway going left and right. He turned right which showed his back to me, but if he had turned left he would have been looking right at me. I shot him from a good distance but had to move up to finish him off with my axe. The first guy could not ahve read my pulse before I shot him, but could he have when I was axing him? Or could the random guy who gave me a bandage read my pulse from behind me what I wasn't paying attention to him?
  6. Nastradamus87

    Regular vs Hardcore: Why do you play?

    Edit: This says pretty much everything that needs saying.
  7. Nastradamus87

    FRANKIEonPCin1080p's latest standalone episode = so much win

    Another great video. As always, very entertaining. Many of the threads I view have at least one condescending comment from you. We get it; you think you're smarter, wiser, and more experienced than everyone else on the internet.
  8. The map is 225 square kilometers. You think that area Cherno, Elektro, Balota, NWAF, NEAF, and Berezino combine to make no less than 30% map's total area?!? Have you ever looked at the map? Each of these locations is nothing more than a speck on it. Using the dayzdb map, I just calculated Cherno's area to be less than 1 square kilometer. Also, the airstrips are about 800 m long. Both of you have grossly overestimated the size of the current hot spots relative to the map as a whole.
  9. Nastradamus87

    Best background music for DayZ?

    Yes. Listening for footsteps and nearby loggers is key to survival. Many of these suggestions are entertaining nonetheless!
  10. This is a story of my hightest highs and lowest lows with the standalone. It highlights the startling contrast between the benevolent heros and morally corrupted survivors of this world. While skulking around Elekro's school I ran into an unarmed survivor. A few minutes later another one in the same condition appeared. Then a fully kitted hero showed up and made one of the other two a backpack and gave me a saline transfusion. Despite establishing friendly relations, we all decided to go separate ways. By chance, we all ended up at the one of the nearby firehalls sometime later. The hero had found a gun for one of the unarmed guys and supplied him with ammo. (He did the same for the other unarmed survivor later on.) The two previously unarmed guys and I then agreed to join forces and travel to Cherno together, but the hero opted to continue treking alone. The first stop on our jouney was the appartments north of Cherno (Dubky). While looting one of the office buildings the hero made this third appearance. Quite the conicidence. After sharing more gear with my group of three he accepted our invitation to join us. We cooperated well together, with two us dispensing of the numerous zombies in that area with axes while the other two kept a gun drawn in case of bandits. Evantually we came to the two supermarkets in the appartment area. By this time we may have been travelling as a group for almost an hour. We decided to pair up to search the two supermarkets simultaneously. I dashed into the building with my partner, but I heared arggrovated zombies outside so I changed to my axe while heading outside and took down three zombies. I took a hit in the process so a stopped to bandage up just outside the door to the supermarket. While the animation was running, I saw my partner (in his bright yellow raincoat) come out the door from my peripheral vision. I stood facing me for a second or two. Then a single shot from a revolver rang out - the gun I know he was carrying - and I was dead. WTF, I thought in shock. From beyond the grave I could hear the other two saying that they heard a gunshot and running over to investigate. When they arrived on scene my partner tells them that there is someone else in the area and that they shot me! This freaks them out so they evacuate, leaving my betrayed corpse behind to rot. There clearly was no one else in the area and I heard the hero correctly identify the murder weapon as a revolver, the very gun my treacherous partner carried, so my only hope is that the other two guys figure out that this asshole is a lying murderer before their fate is the same as mine. That was my first time traveling in a group larger than two. It was so fun. I wish he didn't kill me for nothing more than a sick, twisted thrill. Will I ever trust again? I'm not so sure.
  11. Nastradamus87

    I Think I'm Too Trusting And Nice.

    Only twice in 70 hours have I met a genuinely nice player. 9/10 times that I try to befriend a survivor they pretend to be friendly up to the moment they have the upper hand. I'm still searching this wasteland for that special someone. If anyone has good ideas for meeting actually friendly players outside of the game speak now.
  12. Nastradamus87

    If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

    I hate spawning there because it has turned new lives into a routine. Spawn, run west to Elektro's east fire hall, and then go north or west from there. The first few hours of a life are very repetitive. Also, since almost every other new spawn blazes the same trail, there is normally very little loot to find in Elektro. That has been my experience anyway. Spawn location variety would vastly improve the first few hours of play for me by encouraging me to visit different parts of the map. I know it will come eventually, but the sooner the better. On the other hand, three other new spawns jumped me in Solnichniy and I boxed them on the water tower. (I was going to jump anyway.) Luckily I was able to drop one of them before going down!
  13. Nastradamus87

    I'm now killing on sight.

    I have zero trust for other players after 60 hours with only one positive encounter. As a newb fresh spawn, I was baited into coming out of hiding several times by individuals and small groups claiming friendly with supplies to share only to have my head split with an axe for no reason other than their enjoyment. Then there was the fully geared group who claimed friendly only to handcuff me later to ask me American Civil War history questions - despite not being American and having no clue - and put a bullet in my head for answering wrong. The next group who tried something similar got to see me log out after wasting their handcuffs. I swore off being friendly after that but then some guy sneaked up on me at the NWAF and was really nice. He gave me a canteen and we planned to travel the world together. This rekindled my hope for humanity. Unfortunately, his game locked up five minutes into our journey and we hadn't exchanged info. While waiting around to see if he'd find the server again another guy came by. I could have blown his head off no problem, but instead called out to him. We established being friendly and HE proposed teaming up for protection. We ran around the NWAF looting, no guns drawn for better running speed. In between buildings we ran into a zombie. I pulled out my fire axe and put it down. When I turned around I was puzzled to see my companion with his gun drawn and it pointed directly at me. He fired five or six shots and I was dead. WTH is wrong with a person like this? Do they get some sick pleasure from deceiving and manipulating others. We discussed our gear upon meeting and I only had a magnum which he already had. I'm done trusting other players.