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Everything posted by bioned

  1. will i ever get to a point where i leave the map and die? or perhaps find japan? my geography is horrible
  2. yes i know its really stupid i want to play the game FiretrUCKing badly but im afraid of losing my stuff thats really weird because i know for a fact that it isnt hard to refind loots but something is just stopping me from playing dayz why? someone help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I KNOW IN MY HEAD ITS NOT HARD TO LOSE MY STUFF BUT WHY AM I SO AFRAID OF LOSING MY STUFF I WANNA PLAY DAYZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OMG SOMEONE JUST COME AND KILL ME
  3. .... i thought it was gone? zombies just stepped up a ladder of threat level
  4. bioned

    Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

    i agree that zombie ignoring obstacles should be prioritized than spray cans but hey zombies in dayz have superpowers they have ability to walk thru walls, turn invisible and hit you from a mile away but i dont agree that they should be removed dayz IS a zombie survival game zombies with superpowers
  5. lolz im so wrecked stop trying to steal other people's work and try figuring out good comebacks
  6. bioned

    Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

    or eating salaries without ranch!
  7. bioned

    make me lose my fear of losing gears

    thanks for all ur replies it all ties into one: JUST DIE ok ill go jump off the atc in balota as soon as i go in
  8. bioned

    make me lose my fear of losing gears

    ok thats a good solution so.... you want me do die when i spawn? or when im fully geared?
  9. bioned

    make me lose my fear of losing gears

    how do i do that?
  10. dayz is just so FiretrUCKing fun I just got full set of stuff and logged in balota because i dont want to die :( i want to play because its fun but i dont want to play because im afraid of losing my stuff i need motivation!!
  11. especially in a zombie apocalyptic world where half meter fall breaks your leg im being very serious right now i mean pshhh whats the point of jumping? i guess they could REPLACE the existing feature with jump but if they are planning to add jumping as a new feature, I strongly disagree im no fan of 5 billion bugs, and im telling you, it will be there when jump is introduced
  12. lolz my favoriate all-time-dayz-moments
  13. its been kind of a while since the last update to fanboys who are yelling at me to wait: I'm not asking for insta-update, I just want to know if another updates is planned any thoughts out there?
  14. before i start: i know with 5000% certainty that the same mod (or fanboy) is gonna lock or delete this thread because he can never give a good reason for not doing so i just had this thread locked because it is "pointless" http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/181173-just-think-of-it-this-way-the-update-is-delivered-in-two-parts/ he says its pointless ok sure its pointless so why would you lock it? because you don't like it? are you a "programmer" too? if ur gonna go around locking threads that are pointless, why not lock about 70% of all threads? ive seen you lock threads a billion times but your reasons are never rational Lok i wouldnt be surprised if he gives some stupid reason and locks the thread before i can reply
  15. .42 added bunch of stuff and messed up the game we all know its horrible and isn't receiving any positive feedback so just think of it this way: bohemia is too lazy to finish the update b4 releasing it .42(a) = the update that we got yesterday that broke the game and did no help whatsoever .42 = the second half of the update that (hopefully, but clearly isn't the case looking at all previous updates) fixes the 5 billion bugs and not create any yea .42 update is in progress
  16. bioned

    Downgrade to .37

    only if that occasion meant "not the whole alpha phase"
  17. i know right!? and yet there is already a fanboy who doesnt like it
  18. well its is now don't expect bohemia to take the normal route
  19. bioned

    Downgrade to .37

    same here bud at first, i had hopes that the game would become playable but with .42 i realize its not gonna end before the century is over
  20. bioned

    apologists are delaying development.

    lol half the forum is full of fanboys who think yelling ALPHA bs is the solution to everything (including certain mods) im with you on that one man
  21. bioned

    New Experimental HC Bug: Log Out = Get Wiped

    dont expect the updates to come without bugs i mean we're talking about bohemia and rocket here right?
  22. bioned

    Was Excited For The Patch..

    i never expected the patch to come im time anyway at this point is is quite clear bohemia and rocket isnt interested in making SA a good game but i guess i little delay is worth it if they polish things up im just hoping when the update ever does come out, it doesn't come with a 5 million bugs like all previous patches
  23. i dont see how people can say the map is small.. are they stupid? really? im pretty sure there are parts of the map thats still left to be ventured the map is NOT small its just that the population is concentrated on certain parts of the map due to imbalance in loot spawning
  24. bioned

    Gags for hostages

    that would be pretty neat actually
  25. i basically swept the whole city and found no guns where do they spawn most frequently in cherno?