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About devildoggamer

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. devildoggamer

    HUGE BATTLE - Custom Private Hive

    This is our Custom Private Hive Hard Corps which now uses A.C.E. along with having tons of new weapons, vehicles and spawn points! This battle took place between a small team of ours and the largest clan on the server with 30+ members! Enjoy the SMAW shots!
  2. devildoggamer

    Insane Chopper Battle!

    Pretty crazy chopper battle we had on our custom private hive
  3. devildoggamer

    Price of Youtube Fame

    It was an OPEN alpha test in april when only the ARMA 2 community knew about this but now this is just a joke, I remember those days no hackers everyone helped each other, Wish we could get those days back but its dead and gone
  4. devildoggamer

    Price of Youtube Fame

    People are just sad its how it is all over the internet I don't really care what they say I just popped in with a video and my opinion and get trolled for it but yeah I agree there are more important things going on then my "Youtube Fame" The hacking has to stop or this mod will lose its community
  5. devildoggamer

    Conversation With ***er Must Watch

    Yeah gump didn't do this we are both just pretty much tired of playing legit and watching everyone else take the fun out of it. Kinda sad this mod had potential
  6. devildoggamer

    Price of Youtube Fame

    Haters gonna hate, that's one lesson I have taken from youtube, Instead of saying stop crying and all your other trolling comments how about you take the real message out of this and thats for all the people that post content on youtube this is what will happen when someone takes it too the next level. Well last time I post my opinion or anything for that matter on these forums, I'll keep doing what I do you guys enjoy yourselves.
  7. devildoggamer

    Price of Youtube Fame

    I LOL'd at most of these replies this community really is shit lol
  8. devildoggamer

    Price of Youtube Fame

    Yeah those were all different servers we move around a lot and I release video 2 weeks after I record so If we have moved servers since then I leave it in Congrats I guess?
  9. devildoggamer

    Price of Youtube Fame

    LOL I have taken precautions to censor changing IGN weekly editing out camp locations and chatter, it doesn't matter and determined enemy will always find you but yeah just seem to have a big bullseye on me for these hackers its pretty sad if they would just play legit I would be up for the challenge
  10. devildoggamer

    Price of Youtube Fame

    I have a team I shoot zombies whats wrong with placing a tent and putting in stuff you pick up? I don't think anything so what some people have more success than others doesn't give people a green light to hack
  11. devildoggamer

    Price of Youtube Fame

    Amazing I guess this community has gone to shit then by the looks of it
  12. devildoggamer

    Price of Youtube Fame

    So you support hacking thats amazing fully supports my view on how this is going down hill...amazing
  13. devildoggamer

    Price of Youtube Fame

    Most of you know who I am and this is what I deal with daily no longer can I enjoy this mod, I am followed and stalked by the worst kind of gamers and heres just the latest of it. I find it funny how people with sad lives find the need to make others miserable to cheer themselves up. And also thanks rocket thank you for adding hatchets and beartraps instead of fixing scripting and also not allowing people to ban from servers they pay out of their own pockets. It makes my life miserable so thanks again. Don't forget to tell this guy how much he sucks at life.
  14. devildoggamer


    Sure I'll give you 2x M107s for $50.....*tells his group to wait in the treeline*
  15. devildoggamer

    Video - AS50 Quad Kill Short Video

    Everyone in Elek is a noob? Highest kill count = 13 That kill count isn't impressive when your just set up killing coast noobs. Your not gonna encounter anyone that has the same gear as your or even close to it. If that video was from the NW airfield with highly geared players I would be impressed