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Everything posted by AgainstArseholes

  1. AgainstArseholes

    Pending Changelog: Experimental branch: 0.34.XXXXX

    You now get notifications when you get wet and when you're not getting wet while it's raining. New status updates as well related to this: Damp, wet, soaked.
  2. AgainstArseholes

    Pending Changelog: Experimental branch: 0.34.XXXXX

    Just downloaded a new update for the experimental branch (0.36.115535). Any news? What's going on?
  3. AgainstArseholes

    Pending Changelog: Experimental branch: 0.34.XXXXX

    Yes. Changelog, rocket pls.
  4. AgainstArseholes

    Purge them all

    I'm guessing you're playing on US servers? Get your country's act together, 'Murica!
  5. AgainstArseholes

    I've got it. The reason bandits wear military gear!

    I sense butthurt.
  6. AgainstArseholes

    Why did I lose all my gear!

    How do you know you didn't die during the 30 second timer?
  7. AgainstArseholes

    PC Build for Gaming Advice

    Aside from what OfficerRaymond already suggested, I'd get a larger SSD in order to fit all of your current most played games (especially Dayz) on it. If you want to save money, just go with his suggestion alone.
  8. AgainstArseholes

    Cure for banditry...

    I don't think heroes would be too eager to assume their real life careers as viable in-game roles as baristas. Of course you never know though.
  9. AgainstArseholes

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    I'm not laughing, I just don't see how it'd help in any situation (except driving maybe). Even sniping, having played it with multiple controllers, a mouse dominated everything except a gun controller with IR/laser sensors.
  10. AgainstArseholes

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    I'd love to have console players over mingling among the rest of us. Imagine someone with a console controller trying to aim a mosin at you - they'd be dead in a heartbeat and their butthurt asses would be over here complaining about not having auto-aim. Love it.
  11. AgainstArseholes

    Cowboy hats - an invitation to shoot on sight?

    Since it was brought up... Ballistic protection for (you know, bullets and such): - Ballistic helmet 2.0 - Any hat 0.0
  12. AgainstArseholes

    The Lone Wolf: My Playthrough

    The extra pair of eyes really do help, and not only in making you feel less paranoid. It has often saved mine and my friends' lives. But yeah, you do tend to feel way too paranoid being alone and geared up at any major location. If not, you get bored, which sometimes is much worse, because it can make you act recklessly.
  13. AgainstArseholes

    Cowboy hats - an invitation to shoot on sight?

    I get that slightly irritating cowboy/TheWorldPohlice/tool kind of feeling from those hats plus they're not very good for staying undetected thus making me slightly trigger happier.
  14. AgainstArseholes

    About masks

    That's the whole point of those masks and every mask in general. You wear one the chances are you are a tool.
  15. AgainstArseholes

    Up Hills/Slopes

    Logically the character should run faster uphill, shouldn't it?
  16. AgainstArseholes

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Yes and also add auto-aim while you're at it.
  17. AgainstArseholes

    Wall of Shame (Played Time)

    Not sure how accurate this is as the client doesn't often properly shut itself down.
  18. I personally seem to run into people over there just about 20 % of the time, which in my opinion is rather low but then again expected after the tent loot was broken.
  19. AgainstArseholes

    m4 sound

    You have got to be kidding me.
  20. AgainstArseholes

    Was I really lucky or was this a stranger

    I've dumped a few and found some occasionally as well even with closed doors as many people prefer it that way. If you close the doors there's a chance that someone will come and search that building for that lucky encounter ;)
  21. AgainstArseholes

    Pending Changelog: Experimental branch: 0.34.XXXXX

    Experimental with the new patch seemed to be working just fine.
  22. AgainstArseholes

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    As of now it is, most of the time at least, unplayable, regardless of what quick fixes you manage to do. Hopefully they'll get it fixed tomorrow.
  23. I respawned fresh but started experiencing the problems once I got close to the airport. The problem had never been so bad for me before, so I was assuming there were some bad items or people with them close by. I for sure had none on me. I therefore concluded that dropping only your stuff doesn't do much if there are people/items in the vicinity that haven't done the same.
  24. AgainstArseholes

    Why aren't there 'fat' characters in DayZ?

    That would be kind of cool. Fat character wouldn't need to eat as much to stay energized because he would have more energy reserves. He would run more slowly and be more visible, though. Vice versa for a skinny character.