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About Syphax4Ever

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Lately I've noticed a huge increase in the number of servers where Admins will kick you nearly immediately after you join them. Almost every other server has "join = kick" or "private session, clan training" in them which are all just saying: "we're loot farming and don't want to be disturbed". Especially the lower pop servers is basically just a list of these, one after another. Pretty frustrating that they can get away with this eventhough it is pretty much literally stated as a "do not" in the terms.
  2. Syphax4Ever

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Your argument is valid but doesn't cover the entire point. The weapon sway is too violent, also if your avatar is only a novice shooter, when in a rested condition. I.e. no sprinting or marathons happening before it. I'm talking about the minimum sway here, not amplified by fatigue. That is too violent. Sway caused by fatigue is fine.
  3. Syphax4Ever

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Four things happened to me in a 1,5 hour gaming session all of which are game wrecking bugs. We were playing with three people. One of my mates got locked into the police building in Berezino where he shot one other player and was then trapped by his/her friend. 15 minutes of stalemate happen when he got ghosted from behind. Ghosting is still an issue. Some while later we came across another lone player and we ordered him to stop. He attacked us with an axe so we opened fire. What happened next is too rediculous for words. He was shot by an M4, an SKS and a P1, cross fire at 2 meters and he survived. He ran around a building, I circled around and got my mosin out. I saw him on the other side standing still and at some two meters I shot him twice with a mosin in the chest. He didn't move so I thought he was dead with the delayed death anim as is usual. After a few seconds he said something and ran off like nothing happened. No bleeding either. He survived point blank SKS fire, spraying from an M4 and two point blank mosin shots..., I've been playing this game for long enough to know when stuff has hit or not, these were hits. Then we decided to head inland for my friend to gear up again. After some ten minutes of walking DayZ crashed to desktop. I ask if I logged out and my friends said I just "dropped dead" in front of them. No shots, no zombies, no falls, nothing. I was running over an open area of grassland, they heard my character moaning and falling over...dead. My friends divided my stuff among them and noticed my pants and boots were ruined (previously worn and pristine cq) and everything in the pants was ruined too. I apperently died from damage to my legs? Lastly, we've all been experiencing numerous ctd's. Like, going into your inventory might cause a CTD. The count down for spawning might cause a CTD. Even just looking around, if the screen freezes for a moment, a CTD may follow. These happen a lot. Finally, I've been regathering some loot again until today I got a character reset again. :) Just reporting what I experience, hope these will be fixed. P.S. is weapon sway increased? Sniping from 400+ meters is next-to-impossible now with this violent shaking. And NO, I'm not running 4km and taking the shot in two seconds. I usually wait for 15 minutes plus before commencing fire, from a rested, prone position with setup bipod. The shaking is irrealistically violent even for a novice shooter.
  4. Syphax4Ever

    G 36 Please

    This. How many countries in the world have the G36 as their standard military issue assualt rifle (answer = 1)? Now how many in the Eastern Hemisphere (answer = 0)? I think some Czech police units have them but nowhere near the numbers needed to show up on a general loot economy. G36's would be drowned out by AK's that the chance of finding one is negligble. In one thread I explained (rather harshly) that if general loot economy were to resemble the real world prevalence of assualt rifles, you'd find some 1,000 AK's before finding a rifle of another sort (speaking off assualt rifles). So imagine this on the server: the chances of an assualt rifle are already pretty slim (let's say 1% but I think it's less) then the chance of it being an AK would be 1,000 times greater than it being a G36 (effectively making the probability of it being something else than an AK 0,001%). This is NOT taking into account geography but global prevelance, if you would account for the local prevelance then the number of AK's versus non-AK's would be even bigger.
  5. Syphax4Ever

    Things you should not be able to disable.

    Not me. I never asked for better effects and I do turn off those I need to turn off to run the game smoothly. I prefer high FPS over fancy pictures. I think though the main culprit for people is Post Processing, not so much the clouds or the grass.
  6. Syphax4Ever

    Things you should not be able to disable.

    Needing to have post processing would be a huge bitch and drop framerates considerably. You'd be alienating a lot of people with decent rigs but not necesarrily gaming computers. Lets be honest here, Dayz isn't the prettiest game out there and post-processing isn't going to make it win a beauty contest either when it comes to graphics; what it will do however is make the game as GPU heavy as many other games which ARE very graphically pretty. I think the effects from sickness should come from somewhere else, something less straining than PP.
  7. Syphax4Ever

    Killed=Temporary Server Ban

    Camp the body of whoever you killed to see who comes running in? If you're up against groups alone or with an inferior force, you're not going to loot any bodies anyway. Thats just the advantage of having a group; they can help you survive and help you get started again. You as the killer, if you want to loot the corpse or prevent them from looting it, should play in groups then.
  8. Syphax4Ever

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    At the same time, ghosting prevents camping. I think ghosting is cheating but at the same time, camping and then KoSing is also lame.
  9. Yea I think sustained survivalist life isn't going to positivily influence longevity anyway, whatever you do. There'll always be malnutrition, worsening hygene and of course lacking medical attention. All in all, everything you do is straining yourself/breaking yourself down to squeeze in a few more days of being alive. So if campers are going to grow fat (which takes years by the way, not days) then those always on the move will develop atritis. Lets not forget, we don't ever brush our teeth but we're still drinking soda's and eating canned food stuffed with sugars; in a couple of years we wont have any teeth.
  10. xD Trust me, thats the least of your worries. Imagine going in the same clothes ALL the time and the time of the month comes. >.>
  11. Yea but I'm a girl so what do I get instead of a beard? Unshaven legs? I agree on the sanity system though. Lots of murderers like in WW2 killed uncountable people by shooting them and though I don't doubt they're insane it doesn't influence their physical abilities.
  12. Syphax4Ever

    the man with the baseball bat at olsha....

    Pretty much anything gets your game banned in Australia..., why bother trying?
  13. Some servers get around by periodically showing the standard messages; saying at which times they restart with a GMT time code. Not perfect but if you prefer low-ping servers it's usually in your timezone.
  14. Syphax4Ever

    A Zombie Type That Could Shoot?

    This shit ruined Resident Evil. No...NO...HELL NO!
  15. Syphax4Ever

    How Long Does It Take...

    Yes you can store like 3 times the space food would take in your backpack in your body, so your body is more efficient in storing food (as energy) than your backpack is.