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Sir Schmoopy

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Everything posted by Sir Schmoopy

  1. Sir Schmoopy

    Can we turn the fkn rain off?

    Like my god. It does NOT rain this fuking much anywhere. You cant even play the game without being soaked through. Just disable the damn rain you idiots
  2. Sir Schmoopy

    Empty Electro

    So why is this place so extremely empty on 40/40 person servers? Anyone care to shed light on why i can run around electro freely with out being shot?
  3. Why in the hell would you do ANYTHING to the zombies other than make them NOT phase through fucking walls. The aggro range is absolutely unnecessary and they ignore all walls. Just remove them until they're coded into the game properly and running into a building doesn't become a surprise death trap.
  4. Sir Schmoopy

    Empty Electro

    Ahhhh ok then. My spawns have been closer to Electro so i guess berezino it is!
  5. Sir Schmoopy

    Cancel Action

    Can we make this action fucking useful? I mean really? This should have been one of the first things. Sick and tired of eating or doing whatever and having a zombie or player sneak up on me and hit me. But because the can of fuckin beans im eating is so god damned important over my own life i die.
  6. Anyone else having this issue? YES i know its alpha so shut the fuck up. Im wondering if anyone else is having this problem
  7. Sir Schmoopy

    Experimental servers OVERLY buggy?

    Just making sure. Had some actual computer issues recently just needed some actual feedback and not some trolls.
  8. Sir Schmoopy

    unconscious timer?

    Any thoughts? Would be nice
  9. Sir Schmoopy

    When do we get cars?

    KINDA of tired of having to spend 70% of my game time running to a city....The least they could do is give us better spawn points until cars are added...
  10. Sir Schmoopy

    When do we get cars?

    Wrong Discussion forum. Thanks captain forum saver!
  11. Sir Schmoopy

    When do we get cars?

    Hell i would be happy with a bike or a skateboard or a pair of roller skates. I mean the game is fun but spending most of it walking? Kinda deters a lot of people.
  12. Sir Schmoopy

    Better looting options.

    Just wondering why it is SO difficult to loot a body. I have to fidget around and move slightly to even get the option to loot it.
  13. Sir Schmoopy

    Better looting options.

    Ah ok good to hear!
  14. Sir Schmoopy

    Hot Keys are not responding.

    Anyone else having this problem? I have to mash a button 30 times and still no response until like 15 seconds later
  15. Sir Schmoopy

    Melee or Gun Fights.

    Which do you prefer? Honestly I LOVE running in someones face in first person and just destroying them with an axe. Even when they have a gun. 80% of the players are TOO cautious and panic insanely shooting everywhere. Im much more satisfied when i kill you with a melee weapon because it's a little harder.
  16. Sir Schmoopy

    Picking Spawn Locations.

    We should be able to pick a general spawn location when we die. Not an EXACT spot. Just a general area of where we would like to. And yes people will say "What about air feild spawns?" Well thats up to the player to spawn into a dangerous area. I just think it's killing the game to have to run 15 minutes to a town to just be KoS.
  17. Sir Schmoopy

    Picking Spawn Locations.

    Not with in so many meters of an airfield though.
  18. Sir Schmoopy

    Thoughts on KoS?

    My opinion the people that shoot bambis on sight are just bad players. Shit if someone runs up to you and stays a safe distance there is no need to shoot them. What are your thoughts?
  19. Sir Schmoopy

    Melee or Gun Fights.

    I would LOVE to have brass knuckles add in. Would make for some fun fight clubs!
  20. Sir Schmoopy

    Lets change stair movement.

    Honestly WHY do i walk and up the stairs? Can we fix that please :D
  21. This happening to anyone else? I safely logged out from a server and logged back into the same one 30 minutes later and had NOTHING. Same thing happened when the server reset.
  22. Pretty much title says it all. Its the most complete bull shit ever. I relogged just to try to get out of a glitched wall on the stupid boat, which is the MOST BUGGY place in game mind you, and i have to wait the full 5 minutes? Im all for the timer when server hopping early but when joining the SAME server? No sense at all.
  23. Sir Schmoopy

    Remove Spawn Timer when joining same server.

    AND im dead....? Yea just have the boat removed please. Simply nothing but death going near it.
  24. Sir Schmoopy

    Remove Spawn Timer when joining same server.

    No not the combat logging just the timer i have to wait when rejoining the server. Im all for the 30-40 second wait timer when logging out. But having to wait the 5 minutes to rejoin the same server
  25. Sir Schmoopy

    Remove Spawn Timer when joining same server.

    This is why every door should be operational. If you cant open it just delete the room all together.