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About SpecOpsGonebad

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  1. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Mohawk11 your application has been completed on our forums. Welcome to the community. Hope to see you in game soon.
  2. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Uliknot and Falc090 your applications have been completed on our forums. Welcome to the community
  3. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    The Aquatic Land to answer your question, we have an age limit because most people under the age of 16 are immature. Granted not all are these days and in some cases we do allow people under the age of 16 to join. Usually after a trial period. Also most members are adults with families so language can get out of control sometimes. Some parents may not want their young children exposed. There are multiple reasons really those are just a couple. On another note: Rogue and Creeper your applications have been completed on our forums. Welcome to Spec-Ops
  4. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Relentless, Justin44,Pravus,and Yendoc your applications have been approved on our forums. Looking forward to seeing you in game and on our TeamSpeak. Welcome to the community.
  5. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Rayano24 and MrFarenheit your applications have been completed on our forums. Look forward to seeing you in Game and on our TeamSpeak. Welcome to Spec-Ops
  6. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    JDDOG204, zackattack0, Chapo and K. Knox your applications have been completed on our forums. Welcome to the community.
  7. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Shawnmcf your application has been completed on our forums. Welcome to Spec-Ops
  8. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Deltar, Airsoftmaniac67, and |seven| your applications have been completed on our forums. Look forward to seeing you in game and on TeamSpeak. Welcome to the community
  9. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Swaniz and Raleotis your application has been completed on our forums. Look forward to seeing you on our TeamSpeak and in game. Welcome to the community.
  10. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Ithen15,Dr.Brew and Laws_mayhem your applications have been processed on our forums. Look forward to seeing you in game and on TS. Welcome to the community
  11. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Beardo,Xtrimiles and Headraver your applications have been completed on our forums. Look forward to seeing you in game and on our TS. Welcome to Spec-Ops Gaming
  12. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Burky45 and BAMFulgham your applications have been completed on our forums. Welcome to Spec-Ops Gaming. Look forward to seeing you in game and on TS soon.
  13. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Jobu07,moonedoggy,I-dm-turtles your applications have peen approved on our forums. Welcome to Spec-Ops
  14. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Willrosario and LittleKonan your applications have been completed on our forums. Welcome to the community
  15. SpecOpsGonebad

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Raverd1888 your application has been approved on our forums.Hope to see you in game and on our TS soon. Welcome to the community