Hello everyone, my suggestion is to add Bindles, or "Hobo Bags on a Stick" in Dayz. Obviously this is not a priority thing to add in the game, but I think it would really add to the immersion of the game, and be a good starter bag. I haven't figured out exactly how it would work as you would need to carry it, but thought others could add on to this idea. Bindle Made out of Stick and handkerchief or burlap sack.2 Sizes: Small(handkerchief), Big(Burlap Sack)Small size has 8 slots (opinions?)Big size has 15 slotsOnly hold one handed items such as pistol, because you have to carry itPros and Cons: +Adds immersion in game +Easy to make -Materials hard to find -Not a lot of slots -Need a free hand to carry Please tell me your thoughts, and if you think it's a bad idea, use constructive criticism.