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Everything posted by _3akat_

  1. _3akat_

    Books and mini-games

    There are a lot of posts which try to improve books in DayZ. I know it. But let me tell my opinion. So, let's start from idea of a game. It bases on real skills and everything what you do can be made in real life. This is a very basic and simple example: you have a car battery and you need to place it on the place (sorry for bad English) but you don't know how to do it. And you have a book which can help you with this problem. You are starting puting this battery. There will be a mini-game in this example hood opens and your camera angle goes where battery must be. If you have a book it opens in a coner. Than you puting battery by deagging it to the place than you have 2 wires they must be connected observing polarity. If you don,t know how to do it you are trying to find a solve in the book. This is a very easy example it can be harder (how to start engine on a helicopter). What do you think about it ?
  2. _3akat_

    Books and mini-games

    Ok, thanks didn't know it. But how to make books useful ?
  3. _3akat_

    3D scopes/optics

    I would like to see it in the game but Rocket says that this system uses too much perfomance.
  4. _3akat_

    Track IR

    Wait, what do you want ? A support of TrackIR or FreeTrack is in the game.
  5. _3akat_

    Wounds from bullets

    Now it's to simple to heal after gunfight, all of you now it. I want to see something like this: bullets have a chance to stuck in a body, so before bandaging youself you need to pull out bullets after this you decontaminate wound(s) with alchocol and then use stirile bandage or rags with alchocol too. Of course this is basic and it can be harder. I don't want it in few future pathes but I think it must be included in alpha.
  6. _3akat_

    Wounds from bullets

    Ok, thank you of course but I was trying to find same topic and it was disastorus.
  7. _3akat_

    Wounds from bullets

    So ok, I gave the idea. As other things it's need a lot of work in balance, give this work to the "Team" .
  8. _3akat_

    AKM or the AK-47?

    What are you talking about ? AK-47 is a thing that should be puted in the museum. Maybe put AK-74 in the game ?
  9. I think the best solution for this problem is adding messages like: " <nick name> is logged out " and it will be work only in 50m radius from you.