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Everything posted by Belhade

  1. Belhade

    BattlEye Failed to Update (Again): Kicked from Game.

    Waiting in lobby for update (maybe 3-4 minutes) worked for me, after getting kicked twice in a row.
  2. This is an alpha/beta release. It's for finding and fixing bugs. The screen tearing is a major bug affecting a large portion of the playerbase and is not being fixed. THAT is a problem. Take the bodies out. Fix them or not, but let the players play.
  3. Belhade

    Admin abuse US 137 Tacticalgamer.com clan server

    That's quite all right - whoever *has* been hacking us had to go to great lengths just to gain any advantage. Mere mortals we can handle.
  4. Belhade

    killed him with his own gun hhaha,

    I once killed a man from behind, but only after he shot me first and left me for dead. Apparently he didn't know how to get up to the catwalks in the factory to check my body and found a zombie to kill instead. After bandaging up I snuck down to where he was looting the zombie corpse and, since I had just spawned (this was in Elektro) I buried the hatchet.
  5. Belhade

    no need to go against alt f4 :-)

    Center mass Double-tap End of story
  6. Belhade

    So I just got an l85A2 AWS

    What is the laser for, anyways?
  7. Belhade


    When this happened on my server, a handful of us were already hunting at the NW Airfield, when one of us went insane yelling "OMG a huge giant wall just went up in front of me!" and before anyone could say "hacker" half a dozen of us disco'd. Curious, we went back in a few minutes later to be greeted by the Thunderdome message. By disco'ing we didn't get teleported, and instead roamed around outside, hearing some poor souls duke it out and trying to figure out how to get inside. Couldn't take down the wall - two of us blew ourselves up with hand grenades (but managed to rescue each other), tried m203s and satchel charges, all to no avail. Went up on the towers to peek inside at the carnage. Then somebody got the bright idea to ghost inside, which is when we found out that this had happened to many other servers. Some people finally found their way inside to make reports. I got distracted and ended up dying a humiliating death to a band of zombies by the fire station. :(
  8. The downgrade fix worked for me. Thanks! Spreading the info around.
  9. I, too, am stuck at Waiting for Host with the newest beta.
  10. Ooh, I'd like to hear some Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper, and Kansas - Dust in the Wind!
  11. Belhade

    How to run automatically

    You're not alone bro! I moved over to ESDF back in the Counter-Strike beta days. Need those extra keys to the left. :D I use the Steam overlay to auto-run' date=' and last night I started using a round ring-clip to my e-cigarette with my wallet on top for weight. [img']https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-_V3ZRx01YSI/T-sSL8HVWnI/AAAAAAAAAow/e9NODWJm5Vw/s512/IMAG0667.jpg
  12. Belhade

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Edit: nvm, got saved already.
  13. Zombies? What zombies? Been playing for weeks and never seen a single zombie. Right now it's an enchanced-mutant/alien-invasion game. Zombies don't move like that.
  14. Anyone else notice they have to manually update the automatic update installer more often than updating the actual game?
  15. Some severs will display their time zone (whether it be their actual local time or a server time shift) in the server name. Usually displayed in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) or UTC (Universal Time) + or - hours.
  16. Any argument for "realism" is bogus. If you want realism, make eating a whole can of beans or pasta last longer than twenty minutes before you start getting hungry again. That's retarded. The other night I played at night. The weather was clear and there was a partial moon out. Went into the woods and got lost. Popped a flare and it did not illuminate anything. There was a red glow but I still could not see the trees I was running into. I've used a flashlight before, too; it was completely useless for navigating at night. If the nighttime is going to be "realistic" make the light sources realistic, too.
  17. Must have missed that; gotta see why this is. Something else needs to be done.
  18. Why does the game have to be on a 24-hour daylight cycle anyways? Does it have to be *this* realistic? Especially when I get hungry again 20 minutes after eating a whole can of beans?
  19. Belhade

    Voice & Text Communication

    Can the voice and text chat be separated? Voice for Direct, and Text for Side? People can lolspam the text if they want, or you can ignore it if you're in voice range.
  20. I was going to say this. In my community at least, many players have been teaming up for co-ordinated city raids and lockdowns. This nets a lot of good gear which can be distributed, as well as security against bandits and zeds.