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Everything posted by Mystyc_Kitty

  1. Here are some of my inputs... :) 1.) Zombie Glitches; before upping the speed of the zombies, as well as the spawn rate; I think they should be fixing the many annoying glitches that have lead us all into frustration. Things such as the clipping, sight through the walls, running through the walls, etc. Yes, I know and recognize they are working on this! =P 2.) Running Dead; I'm one of those who aren't crazy about every zombie running like a marathon racer; personally it gives a false sense of fear, that or a cheap adrenaline rush. I guess I personally think there should be a much higher number of zombies with different levels of speed. For example; their could be crawlers (slow, stealthy, and a pain in the rear to watch for in hordes or while exploring buildings), walkers (walking pace, maybe a bit faster. Longer sight range, but easily deferred by running through a few buildings), fast-limpers (Around the same speed as jogging with a weapon out, slightly shorter range of sight), and very few runners. I think it'd be interesting to see something like every time a player dies, a "newly infected" zombie would spawn as a runner. Once they were killed; they would randomly spawn as one of the others, depending on area or population. I think it would be fun to go to the airfield, looking out at the runway and seeing hundreds of zombies. A few race toward you, no problem, take out your gun and shoot the few in the head. Next comes the massive horde of limpers and walkers; followed behind by the crawlers. You're backed into a wall, suddenly *click* no bullets. Dive through them or try to melee the hundreds to death? :P 3.) Animations; this is just me being picky, but I'd love to see some different attacks. ^^ 4.) I See You; zombie sight is nice, but I think it's a little too much. Maybe bring it down so it's possible to sneak a bit. Yes, if you're standing in an open field, zombies SHOULD see you; but walking slowly through a tree-dense forest and one sees you from 20 miles away is a little unrealistic in my opinion. 5.) Pin-Point Hearing; in a big town, the bullet should echo. It's crazy if you shoot one bullet how they can pin point you; it'd be nice if they raced to the area and looked around for you. I don't have too strong of feelings about this, but I thought it was mention-worthy. 6.) You Can't Run; zombies hitting you, or pulling you toward them while many feet behind is kind of glitchy, and frustrating. Oh well! I love DayZ, and I think it should STAY a zombie-based game. The survival would fall nicely with the slower, different kind of zombies. This would make looting not easier, but more tactical; crawling about while zombies could be listening or heading toward you as you open a can of beans... Now we just race through towns, grab and run; that or take the time to clear our a town 3 or 4 times with the spawning! Haha. :) Those who want to remove the zombies, go play RUST, it's exactly what you're looking for. Early Access games do come with great risk; the creator's original vision is easily lost by what the people want, when in reality, it could have been a much better game. This isn't supposed to be the mod, and it's not COD; this should be it's own game. Keep in mind that slower zombies don't mean they'd just be a nuisance; there is ways to incorporate tougher zombies, or more deadly zombies without them being as fast. ^^ Oh, and if there would be a higher chance to be infected; like a 25% chance every hit; that'd be awesome! *To anyone who reads or replies, please be respectful as I have tried to voice my opinions respectfully as well. =]
  2. Mystyc_Kitty

    Two worst things about alpha Dayz at the MOMENT

    I agree that there should be a balanced night/day server list. I think it should be half and half, simply because I know a lot of people who do like night servers, including myself. In a real apocalypse, you will have to survive 24/7, not just during the day; the night has many benefits as well: Zombies have less visibility, players can't see you as well- which also can add some adrenaline since you can't see them either. Plus, night servers usually do have a few less players. Less survivors means more loot. Like the comment above, I have to agree about the loot. It's nice when after 3 cities of searching, you finally find an unlooted town with your ideal weapon. If everything had high spawn rates for loot, is it really that hard to survive? This game isn't meant to be a FPS, or a PVP only, it's also aimed to be a survival. Again, in real life, do you think every town is going to have loot? Of course not. :) Enjoy the game, or stop complaining. As said above, go back to the mod and we'll see you soon. ^^