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About InsXicht

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. InsXicht


    No, Pleace ... go away!
  2. InsXicht

    Are you addicted to Day Z?

  3. that is a really good naive fallacy or as we german say, Milchmädchenrechnung. (falls google es falsh übersetzt hat. x)
  4. InsXicht

    What do you do when you just spawned?

    this are my priorities: hatchet morphine bandages painkiller food/drink weapons get the fuck out of the city do random stuff
  5. 2 or 3 times, it was when i realized thet DayZ is not a zombiesurvivel game ^^
  6. "WE WILL NOT BUY ARMA 3 OR ANY DAYZ STAND ALONE YOU HOPE TO CASH IN ON IN THE FUTURE." I will, the developers of the mod can't from virtual beens and good work deserves good payment.
  7. InsXicht

    To the 5-7 guys at northwest airfield.

    so you try to tell us some idiots killed zombies in azombie survival game?! they must be the dumbest player in DayZ! so you acted so right to kill them, killing zombies in DayZ ... lol
  8. InsXicht

    What hasn't killed you ?

    so you played DayZ just for 10 min? or you logt out in the woods and never logged in again? but... on may first day in DayZ i was killed my some Zombies, then i was just killed by players and rocks or my self (respawn button >_> )
  9. InsXicht

    Dissapearing ammo (VID)

    maybe you had enough room for 2 weapons but not for the ammo, when you pot something in a full backpack it disapears. put the next time your equiped weapon on the ground and use after it the weapon in the backpack.
  10. InsXicht

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    ! I see the headlines in the newspapers "crazy videogamers kill little children and rape there dead bodys!!" if you know what the "Bild Zeitung" is, you know thet they will use something like thet. ^^
  11. InsXicht

    I did it :(

    aah the respawn button: "wait i just change ma video settings ... 5 sec. later ... NOOO F**K" and thet happend 2 or 3 times to me x(
  12. InsXicht

    Headshots Required To Kill Zeds

    NO! no no no ... no demon zombies! this are just infectet people so you cen kill them with a shoot in the heart or some more in the body.!
  13. InsXicht

    Regular server options

    yes your server is nothing for "awesome imba i don't kill zombies, i kill surviver" bandits. 3rd person is just easy mode and 1st person is more hardcore. i like both, someteim 1st, sometimes 3rd person.