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About punkonjunk

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Green Bay, WI
  • Interests
    food additives, old people, various screwdriver adapters, collections of jackets, fictional celebrities, people missing limbs, certain types of cows

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  • Bio
    fix computers, smoke pipe, tired of zombie stuff.
  1. Now, I'm not saying full on silent hill here, but dismembering zombies without killing them would be pretty neat, especially if say, break/cut off legs means crawling, etc. I imagine something like that might be planned, but what I'm really curious about is either different zombie types other than what we have currently. (and yes I know ,alpha, pathfinding sucks, they are barely an obstacle) Something faster, zombie animals, etc. Really, really nasty stuff that trolls the outskirts of the map or highly valuable loot areas, like the air strip. I LOVE the unpredictability of player interactions, but I think tough enemies in areas could make friends out of potential bandits just on the "team up or die" angle, and provide an interesting PVE mechanic. Haven't seen anything about it in the devblog, and didn't seem to google anything up, so I'm curious if it's been mentioned or is in any way planned.
  2. punkonjunk

    Reduce The Common Lag In Dayz [Tutorial]

    I was juuuust gonna link this. Singleclick utility to do the same thing. I'm not going to dive into udp/tcp bitching as networking really isn't my forte, but I tend to agree with the wisdom of crowds.... But at the same time, this fix requires a network reboot to implement. Either disable/enable your card or reboot your machine.... so if most of the folks here haven't done that, it might be placebo party. This fix did noticably improve my rubberbanding and desync in path of exile. I have no idea if it will work here, but either way, it can't hurt much.
  3. punkonjunk

    Items you'd like to see on DayZ

    tophat with a broken top part of the cap and a single storage slot so that whatever you put inside the single slot peeks out so I can have a tophat with a banana hanging out of it. Probably more hobo clothes to go with the ensemble. Bandit? Hero? Nah, hobo.
  4. punkonjunk

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I like helping. I haven't played like a bandit at all yet.... but I also haven't found a gun yet. Buuuut.... if there was a reward for helping that made you appear to be a hero, I would work very hard to max that out, and THEN bandit, because unexpected dickery is hysterical. I really think no labels is good.
  5. punkonjunk

    Losing your player kill virginity.

    Saw a dude from the second story of the parking garage on the east side of the coast getting killed by zombies. Killed the zombies and bandaged him up and administered some saline, he was apparently AFK, so I wandered back in the parking garage. He came back and saw me so we dicked around for a while, gave him my extra fire axe, and was gonna lead him towards my old backpack I dropped in the parking garage, but he fell and broke his leg. When I was furiously rushing towards the zombies eating him, I broke MY leg and used my only morphine pen.... So I looked for sticks for like ten minutes because painkillers didn't seem to do anything, and couldn't find anything. He asked me to just kill him, then rolled around like a worm for a while and then I axed him. It took.... a lot of swings to fireaxe a dude to death. Really good to know, too. All in all, it was pretty entertaining. I learned to keep some sticks on me for splints if I have any room, and that 1kitKO on zombies is NOT onehit KO on dudes... so I should not try to axe folks who try to shoot me. Unrelated, but I've also learned in my first 20 hours that backpacks are a game changer. those fuckers need to spawn more.
  6. +1000. Never heard of arma3, dayZ came up in googling about that other horrible zombie game with the freemium pay to respawn garbage. Found the dev blog, watched everything, read everything, followed it for months. I was hesistant on the alpha. A lot of early access games i've played are by nature of alpha releases, often unpolished, and lack direction, and I get bored and worry I might not want to come back to it.... but I was pretty bored anyhow, and so far, I'm having a blast. It still seems strange to me that it's server based and not auto-balancing shard based, and I was thinking that might ruin it at first.... until I started hopping on 0-1 player total servers. Was great for getting my bearings. This is one of those games that you start playing and you know you've been waiting your whole life for. Folks arguing about fps vs 3ps kind of blows my mind, though. I like first person, but I do not think it is.... more hardcore. But I absolutely understand how at this state, most new players might get turned off fast. To them, of course, I point to google and reading up on what an alpha release is.... as for final, waaay down the road, I'd hope there is some modest tutorial for how to do things baked into the game, or a single player demo for such learnings. It would help, a LOT.
  7. punkonjunk

    Weird Mouse movement DayZ standalone.

    I am having a very similar issue. My mouse input seems to lag a little bit unless I turn off pointer acceleration, which is only a problem in this game, and xbox 360 engine ports, like bioshock.... which is weird. it's inconvienent to turn off, but understandable. As for the other issues, regardless of how I adjust my Y axis, my mouse randomly jumps up or down when moving, violently, unless I turn the y axis all the way down... and then I can't move my aim up or down, at all. When I try to adjust my "dead zone" it reverts back to zero. if anyone has any further suggestions, I would love to hear them, because this is ruinin' my fun.