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Everything posted by OzzyTheGrouch

  1. HOLY SHIT i would play the fuck out of this type of dayz. they should do this.. make mandatory 2 hour games like "The Games Mode" It would be super easier to link up with a buddy on a map and have all the players spawn amongst each other in front of most of the weapons on the map. MAKE THIS HAPPEN BOHEMIA. Ill donate a dollar if its done.
  2. OzzyTheGrouch

    Answer my questions, oh lords of dayz.

    unconsciousness inst a death sentence unless u are bleeding. even if u do wake up life is gonna be HARD man. if no1 looted you u shud be alright if u wake up (as long as u take the hours it takes to regain health) press ESC while unconscious to see if any fuckers are looting you
  3. OzzyTheGrouch

    KOS Types

    lol exactly.
  4. o.o holy shit this is awesome. kudos to those who found it!!
  5. OzzyTheGrouch

    KOS Types

    bambies are fucked up man. I went to elektro with FULL GEAR the other day. legitimately trying to help people and they try to knock me out -_-. good thing i had a helmet on. I had to kill like 6 people because they kept trying the same shit. I finally ended up dying but wow, its ridiculous how much bambies dont respect ur hard earned loot lol
  6. OzzyTheGrouch

    Items you'd like to see on DayZ

    Machetes for sure. and maybe army colored backpacks
  7. OzzyTheGrouch


    If your character doesnt have any sort of status AND your vision looks good, youre healthy imo. I usually see the healthy status only after I've been wounded and have made a full recovery. Trust me, dont worry about it too much if your character isnt unhealthy in any sort of way, but KEEP IN MIND that you should always eat food as soon as you get it and fill up on water until your character starts complaining about being full.
  8. OzzyTheGrouch

    KOS Types

    Lol I'm such a weird person when I play. I legitimately want to help people sometimes. I'll let them be on their way. Sometimes I give people weapons and even and let them join my group and then other times I talk to people and shoot them as they walk away....Its like rolling the dice with every encounter
  9. OzzyTheGrouch

    KOS Types

    youre missing guys like me. Possibly the worst of all: Bipolar Killer: WIll be friendly with almost anyone, give supplies to people, and let people join their group. Only to take their lives in the end for no apparent reason.