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Play Pretend

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Everything posted by Play Pretend

  1. I actually agree (kinda). I really hate the black and white, but I don't want a health bar. There has to be a way to keep the color in the game and still let people know they are hurt. As for the answer to that problem (I have no idea) but that is what the game developers are tasked with.
  2. Play Pretend

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Honestly no, I don't think that is a good idea at all. The whole point of this game is terror of not knowing. The unknown is why this game is fun, its why so rewarding. I think they need to implement endgame mechanics that make it more desirable to work together instead of in opposition with one another. I do however not feel that they need to get rid of bandits entirely, they do have there place. Nor do I feel that they need to make a way of calling them out for playing the role of a bandit.