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Play Pretend

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About Play Pretend

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fairmont, WV. USA
  • Interests
    Video games, Movies, Books, Hunting, Ballroom dance

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  • Bio
    I've spoke with Kings, and fought with sword. I've slew dragons, demons, and warped both time and space to fight an enemy from beyond the stars. I've traveled on distant planets, and assassinated historical figures. I've used blade, gun, and even laser. I've been trapped in space surrounded by only the dead, and used plasma cutters, and energy swords to cut their ruined flesh. Been called Hero, and Villain. I've saved, and slew. Yet always I look to the next frontier.
  1. Play Pretend

    Can't wait to go on hunting trips up north!

    Yes I have been wanting them to add hunting to this game for some time now. I love the idea of never having to go to town again. Bows and arrows, and hunting is what I need in this game.
  2. Play Pretend

    The god damn fauna doing zombie sounds..

    The opening a can of Soda really scares the shit out of me. Like all the time.
  3. Play Pretend

    Stupid is as stupid does

    I have worked with a few people on DayZ, even made a friend. It is possible to have positive human interaction, but its harder than it should be, and I blame that on the (as of yet) lack of end game mechanics that make it more beneficial to work together. As of now its behooves a player to KoS more then it does to work toward a common goal. Crafting, Town building, and such could alleviate some of the Kos, There will always be bandits, and that's a good thing, but there are ways to make the game more "friendly" we are just too early in the development cycle for that sort of thing.
  4. Yeah a Horse would be badass too. Just imagine all the "Look at my Horse, my Horse is amazing" videos we could make.
  5. Play Pretend

    How does SKS compare to the M4/Mosin

    I would like to find an SKS, at the moment I am rocking a M4.
  6. I want bows, and a hunting mechanic. Then I would be set. I am rarely on the coast and want a way of getting food with out having to go town.
  7. Personally I think there just needs to be more Zombies period. The how Zeds work mechanic needs a overhaul honestly. They need to pose more of a threat.
  8. I noticed a slight FPS increase, which I was most pleased with.
  9. Play Pretend

    Lootable Buildings are Becoming an Endagered Species

    Loot? Whats loot? I keep almost starving to death since the update. I mean wow the food system is unforgiving now.
  10. Play Pretend

    Final Game

    Well if you ever do, let me know I will help you make it haha
  11. Play Pretend

    Final Game

    You are 100% right about Minecraft sir. I just because of the more mature nature of the game I hadn't really thought about it being kind of like that, in terms of development.
  12. Play Pretend

    Final Game

    I'm not complaining I was just simply asking what the timeline was looking like. I actually love helping make the game, I find it all very interesting. I just simply don't want to see millions buy it now, and it takes 2 years and most of the people loose interest is all. I guess what I am saying is that I want everyone who buys the game early to eventually see it to finish.
  13. Play Pretend

    Final Game

    Yeah I agree I doubt we ever get a "finished game".
  14. Play Pretend

    Final Game

    The game is popular now, will it still be popular in 2 years? Not so sure. The attention span of the average gamer isn't as long as it use to be sadly.
  15. Play Pretend

    Final Game

    So what is the estimated timeline for this game. I know we aren't suppose to be in beta till DEC! Will the game even be relevant by the time it gets to market.