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Everything posted by kalamata488

  1. I shoot one guy 3 times with magnum pistol and dont die heehhehehe hit me one time with his hand and kill me (I was healthy).
  2. I think is a good idea to see in game each others names. People who have kill others players with out a rezon is a good idea the name chance color (white-yellow-red .etc) also we can use bounty hunter for that players and win some items or weapons. Also some times in game i have find some people who help me (the other time going to dieing from starving) some one give me food, i think is a good idea and this players recommend from the other players and the color of they names chance (white - blue - green. etc) . Also we can create arena server and there meat people with defrends clans or random pvp servers with period starting of the every game and wining price for the winners as military performance grades after some exp win or whatever else may everyone have suggested.
  3. In Game Name: Theodor Age: 37 Country: Greece Languages spoken and how well: English Your roll or skills Medic - gunner - TnT explosives etc Why you want to join: Need a company to the game now i start it. Your in game experience and how long you've been playing: i play 3 days in game 30 hours Skype : teo.kal2 Steam : MANOWAR37
  4. In real life you shot everywhere and kill anything you want just let me know :)
  5. Then the game fail ......... You see people turn bored fast to do the same think all the time die and start again and again from the begining.