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Everything posted by xBlackCat

  1. http://pollsb.com/polls/p2203166-time_day_prefer_play_dayz I set up this poll because I am one of the people who does not play at night because it is too dark. But, since some people claim to like it that way, I pose this question: How many people actually play during the night time? In the dedicated thread, there are many people who claim that it is realistic. My grandparents live in the country, it is only that dark on a cloudy night. If the moon is out at all, it's quite easy to see shapes; if its a full moon, everything practically glows. Even on a new moon, starlight is generally enough to see movement and contrast. If there is a large group of people who actually enjoy it, or even a large group who have no preference, then I have no complaints, I will just continue to go to daytime servers; no reason to ruin it for the community. But, if a huge majority avoids the night like I do, then I feel the night should become more accessible. Enough light to see outlines and movement, if not detail, would go a long way. Unless you are the kind of person who actively searches for Night Vision Goggles, preferring to play at night with them, stumbling upon NVGs and playing at night with that character only is not very relevant imo. It is still up to what you prefer, but please stop and consider the impact of NVGs before you vote.
  2. xBlackCat

    Night or Day?

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13659 This is the poll i did, seems that 4 out of 5 players will leave a server if its pitch black.
  3. xBlackCat

    Thank you, Mr. Chopper Wreck.

    A new face of ye olde dice gods of yesteryear?
  4. Personally, I'm a gamer that chooses immersion over pretty much anything else, and I have found few things that need "improving" that I wasn't sure rocket already plans to fix. Other than the outrageously dark nights. That cause 80% of people to leave the servers. ...I think I'm allowed to be bitter about just one thing.
  5. xBlackCat

    DONT rearm at vehicles / tents.

    An unlit fireplace had the same option available, so I'm going to assume it also deletes your shit.
  6. Wasn't it rocket himself who said this is an anti-game? iirc, he called it more of a social experiment and not a game as we know it. I simply call it an interesting experience.
  7. xBlackCat

    Single Player

  8. xBlackCat

    Single Player

    Please explain the part in bold, I'm confused.
  9. xBlackCat

    Best Sniper?

    Based on the chart supplied above, the "1 mil dot per 100m" assumption for the DMR works to within .1-.2 mils out until 700m, where it completely falls apart. At 600m though, it is spot on, where any deviation would matter the most. Similarly, without full zoom, you can just assume that the rifle is zeroed anywhere out to 250m without too much fuss, any further and you should probably be using the higher zoom anyway. This is a convenient switching point anyway because fully zoomed, the rifle is apparently zeroed at 300m. TL;DR "Good enough is" DMR chart: 100m 0, low zoom 200m 0, low 300m 0, high zoom 400m -1, high 500m -2, high 600m -3, high 700m RUN AWAYYYYYYYYY!
  10. xBlackCat

    M16 + stangSD = silenced?

    Correct Using the PDW as an example: Loading G17 ammo would make 17 bullets in the mag Loading M9 ammo would make 15 bullets in the mag Loading MP5 ammo would make the full 30 bullets in the mag And of course' date=' loading actual PDW ammo will yield 30 rounds. Ammo is interchangeable as long as it's the same type. The PDW and MP5 both use 9x19 ammo, so you can use any type in it. However, for example, even though the M9 uses 9x19, the M9 cannot use any other type of ammo that exceeds it's max magazine capacity. [/quote'] In vanilla Arma, I know that any gun compatible with G36 magazines can use the G36MG 100 round magazines. So was that last restriction added to the game by DayZ?
  11. xBlackCat

    Zombies -9000 Blood Knockout overpowered

    If i were you i would be rushing to the spot i died at rather than going on the forums and complaining.
  12. xBlackCat

    New throwing weapon

    Arma 2 had many varieties of grenade. DayZ has smoke grenades and soon to be molitovs. I think that combustible lemons should have a place in t his fine mod. Now im not quite sure if they should spawn in military loot or at supermarkets, but i think it should have the effects of both a frag grenade and a molitov. Frag because it clearly has "combustible" in the name; molitov because they are said to have the ability to burn a house down.
  13. xBlackCat

    Blackholl, do you want your NVG back?

    Protip: Forums are a form of entertainment, and this fool entertains me? this forum could use a "do not bump" post option though.
  14. Well, in theory, it would "reward" you more for killing skilled bandits, because a bandit with 50 kills is likely much more skilled than a bandit with only one. Why this would matter is beyond me.
  15. xBlackCat

    Blackholl, do you want your NVG back?

    Nah, I was trying to lose some weight anyway
  16. This thread reminds me of spinal tap's "This one goes to 11". Even if you care about the numbers in the corner, the fact that one number can potentially raise faster than the other doesn't matter. Its apples and oranges. Its like claiming that a job would be more rewarding if you got paid in pennies rather than dollars.
  17. xBlackCat

    How can I convert magazines?

  18. Some of you may be familiar with my first poll: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11178 In the last thread, in an attempt to keep the question unbiased, I simply asked if people play at night. What I found was that a fair share of the forum members play at night, but many people commented that they like playing at night, but not when it was its darkest. So I wanted to ask a follow up question: how dark before you leave a server? This question isn't necessarily what you enjoy playing in, but at what point you just refuse to even play at all, and instead just server hop. http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=4fde0d67e4b05091b02c42a4 I included an "I have night vision goggles" option because obviously those people are not going to leave due to the dark. Voting as you would if you didn't have goggles would be the other option. On a personal note, I don't personally mind the dark as much now that i have a G17, and chemlights are stealthy enough for when I don't have one; but I still hate pitch black, so my personal vote is "anything but pitch black".
  19. Well, I didn't get as many votes as I would've liked, but I would reasonably trust the trend. Only one out of every five players are willing to TOLERATE the pitch black nights, with the other 80% switching to another server. Regardless of the realism argument (which I don't agree with anyway) I think its time to make the nights brighter when the game can be improved for 80% of the players.
  20. xBlackCat

    Filling water bottle with rain

    Yes, it is possible to collect it from places like that, but unless you plan on drinking mud, you can't just start collecting water the moment it starts raining. It requires at least some preparation, or some surface that can collect the water but wont pollute the water. And unless rocket makes some kind of overly-complex puddle physics, I don't see how he could make it seem like the character was doing anything other than just holding out his canteen and it magically got full.
  21. As the title says, im curious which weapons allow you a choice of optics. I know that at least one of the guns with a night vision scope allows you to use the iron sights, which is useful. I'm wondering if there are any scoped weapons that do something similar, cuz it would be nice if one of the snipers was a bit more practical short range.
  22. The crossbow itself couldn't fire anything as wide as a grenade tip.