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Everything posted by reem

  1. reem

    Where is going Dayz ?

    I dont know if you follow dean hall in youtube.. But he clearly said.. and he have a pre-look how citys going to look with the zombies.... It will be extremly hard to get out of those citys because they are going to be exploded from zombies. And at the latest patch he rocket said they going make new zombies model and etc.. anyway its just alpha... I can ensure you its the best simulation/ video game I've have experianced.
  2. reem

    The Dayz Apocalypse Story.

    Intersting... maybe someone can figure out what written in there?
  3. Just wanted to say thank you for this game.. I mean I heared about this company just week ago.. and I've seen some stuff in the forum.. they aren't like the other companies... they do listen to the people ... they being extremly honest... for exemple they saying its not worth of buying this game right now. they always keep us up to date in the proccess... and they are realloy small group of people which are running this game in a briliant way.. just keep up the awesome work guys... seriously.
  4. reem

    Thank you rocket.

    I just found out that rocket isn't a company xD its guy... me < retard xD!!!!
  5. reem

    Thank you rocket.

    Oh wait isn't rocket leading this game? my bad lol anyway who ever it is just really thanks.. allthough Its Alpha its awesome game seriously.
  6. Why does it take to me so much time to randomize the game..? I mean I want to take a look at the map sometimes in the internet but it takes forless 30 sec to randomize the window... D:. Anyone knows how to fix it?
  7. Oh ok thanks I will try it out
  8. reem

    meet Alex - funniest dayz video i've seen yet..

    I never played this game.. ( I mean Im going to have it next week ) but that was the funniest thing I've ever witenssed in video games! seriously