We like to present you our new DayZ Epoch server from the BlackOrchesta Clan You will find the DayZ Epch Map Chernarus with the actual newest version and contains the following scripts: - No plotpole needed (U normally need 30m plot kit to build) - No object limit within 30m - Autorefuel - Lift&Tow - Sick sidemissions (mv22, convoys aso.) - Building supply mission (without AI) - Self bloodbag - Savezones at the traders Klen,Bash,Stary and aircraft (godmode) And thats not enough!!! We thought we dont want to have a normal server and we are planing events sometimes in a month. Those events are created by us and contains car races, deathmatches and much more...so be active and get surprised :) At the moment we have 24 player slots, but we will expand it soon. Our admins are: - Kleinmeser - BlackGhost - Epic Overhype - PurpleHaze ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVERNAME: DayZ Epoch [blackOrchesta] [!!NO LAGGS!!] [!!NEW DATABASE!!] [v1.0.3.1|VETERAN|GMT-6] Safe Zone | Lift&Tow | Side Mission | Self Blood | Auto Refuel | No Plotpole needed | Convoy Missions | And much More SERVER IP : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have questions or only want to talk with your friends, join on our TS3-server: BlackOrchesta.de "Have fun and play fair"