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About Drakmeister

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Drakmeister

    The Tail of the Chernarus Raiders.

    Wow. Impressive. About as brave as sir Robin.
  2. Drakmeister

    Magnum Jam ?

    I had an issue with a magnum that wouldn't fire. I tried loading with different ammo stacks, splitting the bullets and tried loading different ones one by one, yet nothing worked. I even picked up a new magnum, butnit clicked as well. Once I died I could fire magnums again.
  3. Drakmeister

    Updating the game

    Also if Steam doesn't start downloading the patch, just restart it.
  4. Drakmeister

    How many rounds in gun & unloading possible?

    You can think of it like this: the weapons are containers, just like medkits and protective cases. To see what's inside these you need to hold them in your hand. This can be done by either having them in your hotbar and pressing the number it's on, or by dragging them from the inventory to the hand slot beneath your character's portrait. Once in your hand, you can remove and add things at will. You can right click ammunition to eject it, or if you use a weapon like the M4 with magazines you can simply remove that. I believe you can add and remove attachments from your weapon while it's on your shoulder, but I can't remember if you can eject ammo unless you're holding the gun.
  5. Drakmeister

    "I killed them...I killed them all."

    Good story OP 11/15 beans. Reminded me of this classic http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/doom-repercussions-of-evil
  6. Drakmeister

    To pee, or not to pee...

    Wow, someone's clueless.Regards, Swedish person
  7. Drakmeister

    Magnum revolver vs FNX45?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=uf1Sbzomgo4#t=667 Firing regular .45 ACP with a silencer definitely does not sound the same as without one.